California Seeks Federal Waiver Fund To House Homeless Medi-Cal Patients

California Seeks Federal Waiver Fund To House Homeless Medi-Cal Patients

Meredith Berkson of the Ocean Park Community Center in Santa Monica, Hannah Katch of the California Department of Health Care Services and Sharon Rapport of the Corporation for Supportive Housing spoke with California Healthline about the housing component in the recently submitted $17 billion 1115 federal waiver request.

In a California Healthline report by Deirdre Kennedy, experts discussed the state’s plan to ask for federal health care funding in the new 1115 waiver proposal to include housing for homeless Medi-Cal patients. The idea is to reduce health care costs and improve outcomes by better coordinating the care for the homeless, and to help find and maintain stable housing for them. It’s an innovative health approach, and federal officials will need to be convinced that shared savings under the waiver proposal will equal the cost of this housing component.

The report includes comments from:

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