How Will Young Adults And College Students Fare Under Obamacare?

How Will Young Adults And College Students Fare Under Obamacare?
Q: My youngest child is 21 and graduated from college in May. My other daughter is 24 and is still a college student in Stockton. What are my options with them under the Affordable Care Act?

A: The good news, Simona, is that your daughters may have several options and their coverage could fall into place easily.

Or not.

Let’s cross our fingers and begin with “could fall into place easily.”

Starting in January, most Americans will be required to carry a minimum level of health insurance or pay a tax penalty. That includes your daughters and other young adults 18 and over.

One provision of Obamacare that already went into effect allows parents to keep their young-adult children on their insurance policies up to age 26.

“I suspect that’s the route that many college students are going to take,” says Steven Bloom, director of federal relations for the American Council on Education.

If that’s not an option, many universities offer health insurance that will meet Obamacare requirements, Bloom says.

But it could cost. My editor just received a bill for a semester’s worth of health coverage for his daughter, who attends Prescott College in Arizona: $767.

So, shop around because two major Obamacare-related changes coming in January could provide new, affordable options to young adults:

Whew. Now you know what I meant earlier by “Or not.”

Here’s one final option: Covered California will offer a low-cost catastrophic plan for young adults under 30 and for individuals who cannot find affordable health coverage. (Click here to learn more about what’s considered “affordable.”)

All costs (except for preventive care and the first three office visits each year) will be out-of-pocket until the $6,400 annual deductible is reached.

Q: What about my daughter who just graduated?

A: She will have many of the same options as college students. And if she lands a job, her new employer may offer coverage.

More campuses also may start allowing graduating students to remain on their health plan for a limited period, such as three to six months, Bloom says.

“Once that period is over,” he adds, “then former students, like all other Americans, are going to have to find health insurance.”

Provided by the Center for Health Reporting at the University of Southern California.

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