The Benefits of Changing Medicare’s Drug Benefit

The Benefits of Changing Medicare’s Drug Benefit

Medicare Part D is Exhibit A in how a health reform can evolve from partisan legislation to beloved protection. Aware of the drug benefit's popularity, but facing real fiscal concerns, lawmakers are broaching delicate changes to the program.

The health reform barely passed Congress. Legislators split along party lines. Critics called it an unfunded entitlement.

Yes — the now-beloved Medicare prescription drug program has come a long way from its fraught beginnings in 2003.

For the Affordable Care Act’s defenders, Medicare Part D has become Exhibit A for how a health reform can evolve and win support. Today, few see the program as a controversial, partisan reform, but instead as a treasured part of the nation’s safety net.

It offers a template for ACA advocates, too: As more Americans reap Part D’s benefits, the harder it’s become to make changes.

But the drug benefit still has critics like Health Strategy Associates’ Joe Paduda, many of whom charge Part D as a key driver of the nation’s deficit. And it seems increasingly likely that Part D will be subject to some change, given that legislators are eying across-the-board cuts to government health spending.

Deficit Dealings Spur Another Look

Even in the current deficit conversation, Part D’s popularity has made it difficult for politicians to call for a sweeping overhaul to the fast-growing program, which represented $52.5 billion in 2009 federal spending and is growing at a rapid rate compared with Medicare Part A or Part B.

President Obama and other legislators instead are targeting safer reforms.

Most significantly, the president has repeatedly urged Congress to align Medicare drug payments with Medicaid’s policies. Obama’s statement to the deficit reduction “super committee” specifically calls for extending certain Medicaid rebates to Medicare, for an estimated savings of $135 billion over 10 years.

Hank Lacayo, state president and CEO of the Congress of California Seniors, told California Healthline that his organization generally supports Obama’s proposal, as it will lead to lower costs for Medicare beneficiaries. Elaine Wong Eakin of California Health Advocates concurred, calling the proposal a “step in the right direction.”

“Many low-income, subsidy-eligible beneficiaries are also dually eligible for Medicare and Medicaid,” Wong Eakin added. “And data shows that they need more health care services and drugs than beneficiaries who have only Medicare.”

Keying In on Fraud and Abuse

Congress also is seeking savings by targeting the traditional stalking horse: waste, fraud and abuse.

A Government Accountability Office investigation released this week found that about 170,000 Medicare beneficiaries in 2008 exploited Part D to obtain large quantities of painkillers like oxycodone. At a hearing on Tuesday, senators urged CMS officials to crack down on these individuals and root out other unnecessary care.

However, the upside may be limited: The thousands of offenders identified in GAO’s investigation represent just 2% of program beneficiaries, and the cost of their additional prescriptions was $148 million, or only 0.3% of total Part D spending that year.

Transforming Program by Adopting VA Model

Some advocates say that finding real drug benefit savings will require program changes that go even further.

Writing in a working paper that will appear in Health Economics, scholars Austin Frakt, Steve Pizer and Roger Feldman explore an intriguing possibility: Should Medicare Part D adopt the Veterans Health Administration formulary?

The authors note that VA significantly constricts its formulary in contrast to Medicare. For example, the VA’s national formulary covers just 59% of the nation’s 200 most popular drugs, whereas the average Medicare Part D plan covers about 85% of those drugs. The VA also negotiates directly with drug manufacturers, whereas Medicare is not allowed under Part D to take advantage of its full purchasing power to bargain down prices.

“If Medicare drug plans restricted their formularies to the level of generosity offered by the VA and obtained VA-like drug prices by doing so, we estimate that the program would save $510 per beneficiary per year or a total of $14 billion per year,” Frakt wrote on The Incidental Economist blog.

Resistance to Changes

However, some advocacy groups and policy analysts suggest that Part D is working fine in its current form — and legislators should think twice before touching the program to find short-term savings.

A report commissioned by the Pharmaceutical Research and Manufacturers of America noted that in 2008, more than 121,000 Californians were directly employed in the pharmaceutical industry. A subsequent PhRMA report cautioned that if industry revenues were to be cut by even $20 billion — say, because of reforms to Part D — California would take a $3.4 billion economic hit.

Douglas Holtz-Eakin and Michael Ramlet of the American Action Forum also have warned that introducing Medicaid-style rebates into Medicare Part D would actually raise seniors’ premiums by between 20% and 40% per month.

Here’s a look at what else is making news in health reform.

Rolling Out Reform

Challenges to Reform

In the States

On the Hill

On the Campaign Trail

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