Unsolved Mystery: Could Secret Shoppers Have Helped Reform Law?

Unsolved Mystery: Could Secret Shoppers Have Helped Reform Law?

The Obama administration's plan to use mystery shoppers to gauge physician wait times was abruptly killed on Tuesday. Health policy experts sleuth out why the program met its sudden end and whether it will hurt health reform implementation.

To be fair, the secret-shopper program wasn’t much of a secret anymore.

Trade publications had reported for weeks about the Obama administration’s plan — openly published in the Federal Register on April 28 — to use fake patients to survey thousands of primary care physicians about their wait times for appointments. The findings were supposed to inform the government’s strategy to implement health reform, given the enormous expansion of health coverage under last year’s law.

But a New York Times front-page story on Monday took the project from health policy circles into the echo chamber of cable TV and talk radio.

Within 48 hours, the plan was dead — and a new mystery emerged.

Why would anyone want to kill the mystery shoppers?

Whodunit in Two Days

An HHS spokesperson stressed that “politics did not play a role in the decision” to abruptly cancel the project. But all the clues point to a political assassination. HHS already had signed a contract with the University of Chicago’s National Opinion Research Center and mapped out a plan that would cost about $350,000. The survey was to include 4,185 PCPs across nine states and gauge overall availability, as well as differences between public and privately insured patients.

However, many critics argued there was a major flaw: The Obama administration was spending time and energy to find answers it already knew.

The dearth of PCPs and related patient access problems is no secret and, when filing its funding request for the survey, HHS cited findings that the average wait time for an appointment with a family physician ranged from two to three weeks or more in 15 major metro areas.

The Golden State has its share of access challenges. The California Medical Association cites a California HealthCare Foundation report that 74% of California counties have PCP shortages and warns that the state is “barely meeting” the Council on Graduate Medical Education’s minimum standards for primary-care doctor access. (CHCF is the publisher of California Healthline.)

The Affordable Care Act is projected to extend health insurance to millions of Americans, including four to five million Californians, which could only worsen physician access and availability problems.

One family physician told the New York Times that if the government was worried about patient access, “they could help us. They don’t have to spy on us.” Another internist said secret shoppers would be “a pernicious practice — Big Brother tactics, which should be opposed.” Republican lawmakers like Sen. Mark Kirk (Ill.) also jumped in with criticism.

Health policy experts say once the furor erupted, they knew the program was in trouble. “When I [saw] the ‘Big Brother’ comment … I recognized there was a political problem,” Anthony Wright of Health Access told California Healthline.

Ethics of Mystery Shopping in Health Care

Even the strongest advocates of secret-shopping programs acknowledge legitimate concerns when researchers pose as patients. Given the high stakes, the tolerance for fakery in health care is exceedingly low.

Secret shoppers are commonly used in retail or service industries, where the risk of complications is minimal. The worst case scenario in those sectors — a sales clerk is too busy with a fake client; a real customer suffers a fashion emergency? — pales next to health care, where a mystery patient could tie up needed time and resources.

So a successful secret-shopper program in health care “must not put other patients in harm’s way or cause needless delays,” John Swinburn, head of the Mystery Shopping Providers Association, told California Healthline. The government’s physician-access survey, supporters say, was designed to minimally burden providers for that very reason.

Of course, many large hospitals like Massachusetts General conduct their own secret-shopping surveys, in hopes of boosting the customer service experience. HHS also can point to a handful of its own recent efforts to mystery shop health care, which — as designed — occurred largely under the radar and led to improvements.

As Charles Fiegl notes in American Medical News, an HHS secret-shopper initiative found errors in 40% of Medicare Advantage sales events and spurred health plans to work on improving accuracy of drug coverage information. The department’s 2004 investigation into its own 1-800-MEDICARE phone line famously discovered that operators gave Medicare beneficiaries the right answer roughly 60% of the time — scarcely more accurate than flipping a coin.

Confused Providers Wonder if Opportunity Was Missed

Talking to providers and policy watchers, it’s tough to find a single association that’s happy the secret-shopping program is gone. Even physician groups acknowledged the irony of doctors leading the charge to kill a plan that could have helped them win federal resources and support.

Before the program was officially canceled, Dr. Glen Stream, the president-elect of the American Academy of Family Physicians, told Medscape Medical News that he expected “the data will only validate the concerns we have that there is an inadequate supply of physicians, and that patients won’t be well served until we address the problem.” Stream also noted that his own multispecialty medical group occasionally hired mystery shoppers to vet the practice.

Count the California Medical Association among the surprised groups, too. While the government’s survey would not have included the Golden State, a hypothetical California secret-shopper survey could have reaped interesting data. “We would love to know … the real experience of a Medi-Cal patient here,” CMA’s Lisa Folberg told California Healthline. Getting a real sense for patient access “isn’t just counting heads,” she said, adding that CMA has collected anecdotal stories of PCPs who “can’t find a specialist to take their [Medi-Cal] patient and have to call in chits with a friend from medical school,” even though Medi-Cal patients purportedly have plenty of specialist options.

Mystery shoppers could have also unearthed essential data about provider access that could be “an early warning system for deeper issues in the health care system,” like inadequate reimbursement, according to Wright of Health Access. This kind of work would have “provided the data and support” for federal and state reformers to target issues and better prioritize measures that affect physician supply, Wright added.

For now, the mystery patient program goes into the cold case folder. Here’s a look at other stories heating up health reform discussions.

Rolling Out Reform

In the States

On the Campaign Trail

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