Podcast: KHN’s ‘What The Health?’ Congress And Health Care. Again.

[UPDATED at noon PT]

Almost exactly a year after the GOP-led Senate killed a bill to “repeal and replace” the Affordable Care Act, the Republican House this week passed bills that would tinker around the edges of the health law. While none of the bills is expected to pass the Senate, House Republicans hope their action can help blunt Democratic attacks over health care in the midterm elections this fall.

Meanwhile, officials in Washington continue to react to recent court decisions regarding work requirements for Medicaid beneficiaries and payments to insurers under the Affordable Care Act.

This week’s panelists for KHN’s “What the Health?” are Julie Rovner of Kaiser Health News, Anna Edney of Bloomberg News, Alice Ollstein of Talking Points Memo and Kimberly Leonard of the Washington Examiner.

Among the takeaways from this week’s podcast:

Plus, for “extra credit,” the panelists recommend their favorite health stories of the week they think you should read, too:

Julie Rovner: FiveThirtyEight.com’s “How Catholic Bishops Are Shaping Health Care In Rural America,” by Anna Maria Barry-Jester and Amelia Thomson-DeVeaux

Anna Edney: Kaiser Health News’ “Dèjá Voodoo: Pharma’s Promises To Curb Drug Prices Have Been Heard Before,” by Jay Hancock and Sarah Jane Tribble

Alice Ollstein: The New York Times’ “A Vote Expanded Medicaid in Maine. The Governor Is Ignoring It,” by Abby Goodnough

Kimberly Leonard: The Associated Press’ “Health Care Industry Branches Into Fresh Meals, Rides to Gym,” by Tom Murphy

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This story was produced by Kaiser Health News, an editorially independent program of the Kaiser Family Foundation.

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