Current, Former CDC Staff Warn Against Slashing Support to Local Public Health Departments
Public health and science researchers are concerned about the Trump administration’s cuts to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Reductions in staff and budgets could undermine the nation’s ability to respond to threats, they say.
Cómo afecta a todos los recortes de personal y dinero en las agencias de salud pública
Desde finales de enero hasta mediados de febrero, la administración Trump desconectó algunas páginas de internet de los CDC y congeló las comunicaciones externas, incluido su resumen epidemiológico semanal.
Maternity Care in Rural Areas Is in Crisis. Can More Doulas Help?
Rural communities are losing access to maternity care, raising the risk of pregnancy complications, especially for Black women, who face higher rates of maternal mortality. Now, a Georgia medical school is trying to help by training doulas, practitioners who offer patients extra support before, during, and after childbirth.