Some CT Scans Deliver Too Much Radiation, Researchers Say. Regulators Want To Know More.
Unnecessarily high radiation doses in scans have been linked to cancers. Under new federal rules, doctors and imaging centers have to more closely track and report the doses of radiation that patients receive.
Home Improvements Help People Age Independently. But Medicare Seldom Picks Up the Bill.
A small program celebrated by its proponents helps people modify their homes and safely live independently as they age. But most insurers won’t pay for it, including Medicare.
Trump Wants Harris To Pay a Political Price for Generous Immigrant Health Policies
Several Democratic-led states have expanded public insurance programs to cover immigrants in the U.S. regardless of legal status. Donald Trump is trying to blame Kamala Harris for the policies.
Trump quiere que Harris pague un precio político por ofrecer salud a inmigrantes sin papeles
Estados liderados por demócratas, como Illinois, están abriendo cada vez más programas de seguros públicos a inmigrantes sin papeles.
Remote Work: An Underestimated Benefit for Family Caregivers
The debate about whether employees should be required to return to the workplace has generally focused on commuting, convenience, and child care. A fourth C, caregiving, has rarely been mentioned.