For Seniors, COVID-19 Sets Off A Pandemic Of Despair
The guidance to stay sheltered as society slowly reopens wears on older Americans, who have a growing sense of isolation and depression.
‘No Intubation’: Seniors Fearful Of COVID-19 Are Changing Their Living Wills
Still, medical experts say, it’s not a black-and-white decision of either go on a ventilator or die.
El miedo a COVID-19 hace que adultos mayores rechacen ser intubados
Para los adultos mayores que piensan en lo que les podría pasar durante esta pandemia, los ventiladores son un símbolo de la falta de control y el poder de la tecnología.
As COVID-19 Lurks, Families Are Locked Out Of Nursing Homes. Is It Safe Inside?
“The awful truth is families have no control over what’s happening,” one advocate says.
Seniors With COVID-19 Show Unusual Symptoms, Doctors Say
Older bodies respond to infection in different ways. Seniors may sleep more or stop eating. They may be confused or dizzy. They might simply collapse.
Médicos dicen que los adultos mayores con COVID-19 presentan síntomas inusuales
Los adultos mayores, el grupo de edad de alto riesgo de sufrir complicaciones graves o morir por esta condición, podrían no mostrar ninguno de estos síntomas.
In Shutting Out Threat, Seniors In Continuing Care Communities Feel Shut In
For older adults in retirement communities ― a population especially vulnerable to COVID-19 — striking a balance between reducing the risk of contracting the coronavirus and maintaining the quality of life is a new frontier.
What Does Recovery From COVID-19 Look Like? It Depends. A Pulmonologist Explains.
Reports offer a glimmer of hope, especially for older adults.
Should You Bring Mom Home From Assisted Living During The Pandemic?
Families are weighing the challenges of providing home care with the isolation or potential danger of leaving folks in senior housing or long-term care.
¿Deberías sacar a tus padres de hogares y llevarlos a tu casa durante la pandemia?
Con el coronavirus propagándose a través de las instalaciones de adultos mayores, las familias en todo el país se preguntan “¿Debo traer a mamá o papá a casa?”. Es una pregunta razonable. La mayoría de los complejos de jubilación y los centros de atención a largo plazo no permiten visitantes. Se pide a los adultos […]