4 Things To Know About ACA At Year 5
This year’s Obamacare open enrollment will be marked by a number of changes. KHN helps you navigate them.
Trump actuando solo: lo que debe saber sobre los cambios a la ley de salud
Las medidas del presidente Donald Trump eliminan los reembolsos a las aseguradoras, pero no los subsidios que permiten a los consumidores pagar sus primas.
Trump’s Order Advances GOP Go-To Ideas To Broaden Insurance Choices, Curb Costs
But the approaches are not new and critics worry that these changes will leave some consumers with skimpier plans that expose them to high medical bills.
Association Health Plans: A Favorite GOP Approach To Coverage Poised For Comeback
Both President Donald Trump and Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.) signaled last week that executive action was in the works that would give these plans a boost.
Tragedia de Las Vegas plantea la capacidad de un hospital para atender a las víctimas
En la ciudad hay un solo centro de trauma, especializado en tratar a pacientes con lesiones severas producto de disparos, caídas o accidentes automovilísticos. Qué pasa a nivel nacional
Las Vegas Faced A Massacre. Did It Have Enough Trauma Centers?
Hospitals view adding trauma care as a potential profit tool, but experts say having more centers does not necessarily improve the system’s ability to respond to a mass casualty event.
Vital Health Officials You’ve Never Heard Of: Insurance Commissioners In The Hot Seat
The fate of the Affordable Care Act’s individual insurance marketplaces remains in play as state insurance commissioners take a central role in the debate.
Denial, Appeal, Approval … An Adult’s Thorny Path To Spinraza Coverage
The FDA granted approval for Spinraza in late December for use on children and adults with spinal muscular atrophy. Insurance coverage is mostly focused on infants and children.
Little-Known Middlemen Save Money On Medicines — But Maybe Not For You
Kaiser Health News examines the role of PBMs in the prescription drug-pricing pipeline.
Drug Puts A $750,000 ‘Price Tag On Life’
The high cost of Spinraza, a new and promising treatment for spinal muscular atrophy, highlights how the cost-benefit analysis insurers use to make drug coverage decisions plays out in human terms.