A ‘Dose of Hope’? Fact-Checking President Joe Biden’s First Speech to Congress
In his first speech before a joint session of Congress, President Joe Biden argued it was time to turn the coronavirus pandemic into a historic opportunity to expand government for the benefit of a wider range of Americans, urging investments in jobs, climate change, child care, infrastructure and more.
Evaluating President Joe Biden’s First 100 Days in Office
Presidential historians say that Joe Biden’s first 100 days in office — a somewhat arbitrary but frequently cited milestone — have included an above-average number of major accomplishments.
One Year In: How Covid’s Toll Compares With Other Causes of Death
Covid-19 has become the country’s third-leading cause of death, and isn’t far behind cancer.
A Coronavirus Vaccine: Where Does It Stand?
Under ordinary circumstances, these phases of vaccine development can take years to complete. But now, during the age of coronavirus, the timeline is being shortened. Here’s an inventory of where things stand.
Is A Second Wave Of Coronavirus Coming?
Some experts say the United States is arguably still in the first wave of the coronavirus pandemic and history tells us that the 1918 influenza pandemic came in at least three waves. But that’s not necessarily a template for how the coronavirus pandemic will play out, because the coronavirus doesn’t have the same degree of seasonality that influenza does.
Refereeing Pete Buttigieg, Elizabeth Warren On Public Support For ‘Medicare For All’
Polling supports Buttigieg’s claim.
Castro’s Attack On Biden For Blanking On His Health Care Plan Falls Flat
It turns out the health care plans put forth by the campaigns of former Vice President Joe Biden and former Cabinet secretary Julián Castro are not that different.