Receta para un dolor de rodilla: 90 píldoras de Percocet
Porque el sistema computarizado así lo indica, o por comodidad del médico, pacientes reciben pastillas extra de poderosos opioides.
Doctor’s Rx For A Stiff Knee: A Prescription For 90 Percocet Pills
Following minor surgery, KHN’s consumer columnist sees how easily doctors offer pain pills, fueling epidemic of opioid addiction.
La mayoría de los adolescentes saltean chequeos médicos de rutina
A pesar de las protecciones que ofrece la ley de salud, adolescentes pierden la posibilidad de tener diagnósticos físicos y de salud mental clave.
Despite ACA Cost Protections, Most Adolescents Skip Regular Checkups
Only 48 percent of kids ages 10 to 17 have well-child visits, even though the federal health law requires insurers to pick up the entire tab, a study finds.
Study Gives Mixed Reviews To Laws To Equalize Cancer Patients’ Out-Of-Pocket Costs
Most states have laws that require that cancer patients who get their treatment orally rather than by infusion in a doctor’s office not pay more out-of-pocket. A new study finds that the impact of those laws is mixed.
Millennials Embrace Nursing Profession — Just In Time To Replace Baby Boomers
Nursing generally offers stable earnings and low unemployment, which likely sounds good to young adults who came of age during the Great Recession.
Social Security Giveth, Medical Costs Taketh Away
Out-of-pocket health costs eat up about 18 percent of retirees’ incomes.
Long-Term Disability Insurance Gets Little Attention But Can Pay Off Big Time
People who become disabled because of accident, injury or illness can turn to long-term disability insurance to pay a portion of their income.
Más pacientes del Medicaid y presos podrán tratarse con una droga contra la hepatitis C
El tratamiento con una droga aprobada por la Administración de Drogas y Alimentos cuesta menos y cura la hepatitis C en alrededor de dos meses. Pacientes vulnerables tendrían más acceso a esta terapia.
Hepatitis C Drug’s Lower Cost Paves Way For Medicaid, Prisons To Expand Treatment
The drug, sold under the name Mavyret, can cure all six genetic types of the liver disease in eight weeks at a cost of $26,400, well below other options.