¿Las redes sociales dañan la mente de nuestros jóvenes? Tal vez no…
Nuevos estudios muestran que las redes sociales no impactan de manera negativa, sino por el contrario, muchas veces ayudan a encontrar apoyo y a elevar la autoestima.
Social Media Is Harming The Minds Of Our Youth, Right? Maybe Not.
The harmful effects of all those hours on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram are well-documented. But lesser-known research shows that social media use may also provide mental health benefits.
Cáncer: cuando escribir ayuda a sanar
A través de la escritura expresiva, pacientes con cáncer logran canalizar sus miedos y ansiedades, y contar sus historias, en un inédito proceso creativo.
Writing Your Way Through Cancer
A breast cancer survivor and author has helped numerous patients explore the feelings awakened by their disease — and feel better.
Teaching Future Doctors About Addiction
Most medical schools offer very little education on treating opioid addiction. Stanford University’s medical school is trying to ramp it up.