Changing Clocks Is Bad For Your Health, But Which Time To Choose?
As state legislatures reconvene, new bills propose a permanent time standard instead of the spring-forward and fall-back clock changes. Most people want to stop adjusting clocks, but scientists and politicians are at odds over which time is better for society and our health.
Cambiar la hora es malo para la salud, pero ¿qué hora elegir?
Lo que está claro es que cambiar de hora es impopular. Un 71% de los estadounidenses quiere dejar de adelantar y atrasar los relojes.
Iglesias logran saldar millones en cuentas médicas de miles de personas
Iglesias de Maryland, Illinois, Virginia, Texas, entre otros lugares han logrado negociar con aseguradoras y saldar deudas médicas de sus feligreses… y más.
Churches Wipe Out Millions In Medical Debt For Others
In a mission of forgiveness, churches around the country are buying up medical debt for pennies on the dollar then erasing the debts of strangers. Since the start of 2018, at least 18 churches nationwide have abolished more than $34 million burdening America’s most debt-ridden patients.