Once Its Greatest Foes, Some Doctors Now Embrace Single-Payer
Young physicians in California and beyond are pushing the medical establishment to rethink its long-held opposition. The political fallout could be substantial.
From Crib To Court: Trump Administration Summons Immigrant Infants
At least 70 infants have been ordered to appear in immigration court. Experts believe some were separated from their parents.
De la cuna a la corte: la administración Trump cita a bebés inmigrantes
Al menos 70 pequeños menores de 1 año han sido citados en los últimos diez meses para enfrentar sin sus padres sus procesos de deportación.
Gastos de bolsillo impiden que más personas reciban la droga que previene el VIH
Funcionarios de salud pública están intensificando esfuerzos para que más personas puedan consumir PrEP. Pero aseguradoras ponen trabas al uso de cupones.
Out-Of-Pocket Costs Put HIV Prevention Drug Out Of Reach For Many At Risk
It’s getting increasingly difficult for patients to afford Truvada, also known as pre-exposure prophylaxis, or PrEP, because of the drug’s high price and insurance company efforts to restrict the use of coupons that shield patients from it.
Immigrant Families Placed In Detention Centers Face Health Care Challenges
The Trump administration plans to detain immigrant families indefinitely in facilities run by the Department of Homeland Security, an agency with little experience in handling their complex needs.
¿Acusados en pañales? Ordenan a inmigrantes pequeños presentarse solos en corte
Mientras la administración Trump dice que está tratando de unir a padres e hijos separados en la frontera, niños tan pequeños como de 3 años deberán presentarse solos ante un juez.
Defendants In Diapers? Immigrant Toddlers Ordered To Appear In Court Alone
Children who have been separated from their parents at the border, some as young as 3, are being ordered to appear for their own deportation proceedings, attorneys say. One legal advocate in Los Angeles described a scene in which a 3-year-old who’d received an order to appear started climbing up on the table during the proceeding, highlighting “the absurdity of what we’re doing with these kids.”
Uno de cada 5 niños detenidos en la frontera tiene menos de 13 años
Representan casi el 20% de los niños inmigrantes que actualmente están bajo custodia del gobierno de los Estados Unidos, mientras avanza la política de “tolerancia cero”.
1 In 5 Immigrant Children Detained During ‘Zero Tolerance’ Border Policy Are Under 13
The White House’s latest immigration strategy has created challenges for the HHS Office of Refugee Resettlement, which is now responsible for more children — many far younger than in previous administrations.