Was The Novel Coronavirus Really Sneaky In Its Spread To The U.S.? Experts Say No.
Public health professionals dismissed the president’s claims that the spread of the coronavirus, in particular, and the threat of a pandemic, in general, snuck up on us as being “simply astonishing” and “simply untrue.”
The Coronavirus, The Congressman And Me
When four KHN reporters were possibly exposed to COVID-19, they tried to take preventive steps. But even for health care journalists, getting tested for the virus ― and figuring out what to do next — is an uphill task.
Trump Wrongly Said Health Insurers Will Pay For All Coronavirus Treatment
There are important distinctions between how insurance companies will cover the test and the treatment. This makes the president’s statement an exaggeration, at best.
Insurers Sank Connecticut’s ‘Public Option.’ Would A National Version Survive?
Even in a solidly blue state where voters were demanding relief from high health care costs, the idea of a government-run public option for health insurance faced a “steam train of opposition.”
Democrats Sharpen Health Care Attacks As Primaries Heat Up
The stakes appeared higher in this debate as candidates focused on the upcoming South Carolina primary this weekend and Super Tuesday.
Demócratas agudizan ataques al sistema de salud, al ritmo de las primarias
En el debate número 10 realizado en Charleston, Carolina del Sur, también se unieron para atacar al senador por Vermont Bernie Sanders, actual favorito.
Sanders Embraces New Study That Lowers ‘Medicare For All’s’ Cost, But Skepticism Abounds
The research exaggerates potential savings, cherry-picks evidence and downplays some of the potential trade-offs.
Past As Prologue: Questioning Buttigieg’s Claim About Keeping Your Health Care
It’s “déjà vu all over again.”
Scalpels Out: Democrats Make Slashing Attacks On Health Care Plans
Candidates’ tough health policy talk strayed far from hope for unity.
Obamacare A Disgrace? Biden Highlights Bloomberg’s Negative Remarks About The ACA
There was a time when Bloomberg’s criticism was consistent.