
Latest California Healthline Stories

Drug Pricing Bill Can’t Pass Committee

Just like last year, a bill in the California Legislature to require pricing transparency by pharmaceutical companies was pulled from the Assembly Health Committee for lack of votes.

Many Faces of the MCO Tax

Agreement may be near for replacing California’s $1.1 billion managed care organization tax, which now looks nothing like it did when it was first proposed.

Will New Medi-Cal Number Top 13 Million?

Gov. Brown’s budget proposal today will probably include a new updated number of Californians in the state’s Medicaid program. The total is expected to top 13 million for the first time.

Scrutinizing Aetna-Humana Deal

At a public hearing yesterday weighing the merits and drawbacks of the Aetna/Humana merger, the director of the state Department of Managed Health Care said she’s wary of health insurance consolidation.  

Feds OK California’s $6.2 Billion Waiver

California will start two pilot programs — a global payment system and the Whole Person Care pilot — as well as launch a dental incentive program and a public-hospital funding proposal under a Medi-Cal waiver approved last week by federal officials.

Insurers Earn $9.3 Million in Tax Credits

A California Department of Insurance program that rewards California insurers for investing in projects for underserved communities awarded $9.3 million in tax credits this month.