Latest California Healthline Stories
¿Pagar o no pagar? Qué hacer con la multa por no tener seguro de salud
La promesa de los republicanos de revocar y reemplazar la Ley de Cuidado de Salud Asequible ha generado confusión entre los consumidores: al hacer la declaración de impuestos, ¿hay que pagar o no la multa si no se tuvo seguro en 2016?
To Pay Or Not To Pay – That Is The Question
With the future of Obamacare up in the air, many consumers are wondering if they must comply with the tax requirements related to the law, including whether to pay the penalty for being uninsured.
#AskEmily About Covered California Open Enrollment
On Jan. 12, California Healthline Senior Correspondent Emily Bazar hosted a Twitter chat to discuss Covered California’s Open Enrollment period for 2017.
How To Cope With Covered California Glitches
Errors by the state health insurance exchange have complicated enrollment for thousands of Californians. Here are some tips to straighten out your coverage.
New Rules to Limit Medi-Cal ‘Death Fees’
Medi-Cal’s controversial program to go after your assets when you die will be significantly curtailed starting in January, but some enrollees could be hit by new claims.
Immigrant Health Care Under Cloud Of Uncertainty
With Trump headed for the White House, many immigrants in California are worried not just about their legal status but about their health care options.
No Immediate Changes To Your Obamacare Coverage
Despite President-elect Donald Trump’s promise to repeal the Affordable Care Act, state officials and advocates say your health plan is safe for now.
Reducir el shock del Obamacare
Con los grandes aumentos en las primas que se avecinan, la flexibilidad al elegir un plan de salud puede ser la clave para proteger su bolsillo
Reduce Your Obamacare Sticker Shock
With big premium hikes looming, flexibility in choosing a health plan may be the key to protecting your pocketbook.
Beware Of Unapproved Stem Cell Treatments
Pricey and unproven therapies that sound too good to be true probably are.