Latest California Healthline Stories
Readers And Tweeters Slice And Dice Precision Medicine, Step Therapy
Kaiser Health News gives readers a chance to comment on a recent batch of stories.
En Florida, padres critican requisito escolar que obliga a revelar la salud mental de sus hijos
El nuevo requisito es parte de una ley aprobada por la legislatura estatal después del tiroteo de febrero en la escuela secundaria Marjory Stoneman Douglas, en Parkland.
5 respuestas sobre la nueva propuesta migratoria de “carga pública” de Trump
La administración busca penalizar a inmigrantes que quieran obtener la residencia permanente y que hayan usado beneficios públicos, incluidos los de salud.
5 Things To Know About Trump’s New ‘Public Charge’ Immigration Proposal
Trump administration officials say the policy would promote “immigrant self-sufficiency and protect finite resources.” Critics, including California Attorney General Xavier Becerra, say it could have serious public health consequences and are considering legal challenges.
Parents Are Leery Of Schools Requiring ‘Mental Health’ Disclosures By Students
Florida school districts now have to ask if a new student has ever been referred for mental health services. It’s a legislative attempt to help troubled kids. Will it work, or increase stigma instead?
Podcast: KHN’s ‘What The Health?’ A Detour On A Smoking Off-Ramp
In this episode of KHN’s “What the Health?” Sarah Jane Tribble of Kaiser Health News, Stephanie Armour of The Wall Street Journal, Kimberly Leonard of the Washington Examiner and Rebecca Adams of CQ Roll Call talk about the Food and Drug Administration’s latest actions to address teenagers’ use of e-cigarettes, Arkansas’ Medicaid work requirements and news about the uninsured from the latest federal Census report.
Medicaid Covers Foster Kids, But Daunting Health Needs Still Slip Through The Cracks
Nearly all children in the foster care system are covered by Medicaid. Yet, foster parents still struggle to meet the extraordinary health needs of their children. In California, over 67,000 foster kids are enrolled in Medi-Cal, the state’s version of Medicaid. And nearly 23,000 former foster youth are enrolled in the program as a result of the Affordable Care Act.
Confusión deja a niños de bajos ingresos en un limbo de atención de salud
Bajo la ley federal, los niños son elegibles para una amplia gama de servicios, pero proveedores confundidos y los planes de salud a menudo solo consideran los pocos servicios aprobados para los adultos.
Confusion Leaves Low-Income Children In Health Care Limbo
Some low-income children in California are not getting medical, dental and mental health treatments to which they are entitled under federal law. Legal aid advocates blame a confusing disconnect between state and federal law, and a bill to address the problem is awaiting Gov. Jerry Brown’s approval — or veto.
The High Cost Of Hope: When The Parallel Interests Of Pharma And Families Collide
Desperate for help in finding a lifesaving drug for a fatal genetic disease, families banded together to fund early research and then worked with drug companies on clinical trials and marketing. Yet, this small patient advocacy group is stunned by pharma’s pricing.