Latest California Healthline Stories
Doctor Alexa Will See You Now: Is Amazon Primed To Come To Your Rescue?
Amazon, along with a host of other technology companies, is working on ways to use its smart speaker devices to bring a range of health care services into your home.
Using Obamacare Authority, Trump Aims To Shift Dialysis Care To Patients’ Homes
Only about 12% of dialysis patients get their treatment at home and the initiative aims to dramatically increase that number and move patients out of costly dialysis centers. It would also add provisions to boost the annual number of kidneys available for transplants.
Health Care Gets Heated On Night 2 Of The Democratic Presidential Debate
Though the candidates tended to agree on the end goal of universal coverage, differences emerged over how to get there.
Why So Many Older Americans Rate Their Health As Good Or Even Excellent
As people advance in age, the expectations for what constitutes good health change. People focus on positive emotions and satisfaction with life, while physical ailments play a less important role.
Amputaciones diabéticas: una “métrica vergonzosa” de la atención inadecuada
En sus rondas regulares en el Hospital Keck de la Universidad del Sur de California (USC), el doctor David Armstrong vive de cerca la injusticia brutal de la atención médica estadounidense. Cada semana, docenas de pacientes con diabetes llegan a verlo con heridas profundas, infecciones graves y mala circulación, complicaciones debilitantes de una enfermedad que […]
Diabetic Amputations A ‘Shameful Metric’ Of Inadequate Care
In California, people who are black or Latino are more than twice as likely as whites to undergo amputations related to diabetes, a Kaiser Health News analysis found. The pattern is not unique to California.
Elite Hospitals Plunge Into Unproven Stem Cell Treatments
Critics are concerned about the explosion in controversial stem cell procedures offered by clinics — and, increasingly, respected hospitals.
Economic Ripples: Hospital Closure Hurts A Town’s Ability To Attract Retirees
Celina, Tenn., has long lured retirees, with its scenic hills and affordability. These newcomers help fuel the local economy. But a recent hospital closure makes the town a harder sell.
Prestigiosos hospitales se lanzan al negocio de terapias con células madre no aprobadas
Los tratamientos típicos consisten en inyectar las articulaciones de los pacientes con sus propias células grasas o de médula ósea, o con extractos de plaquetas. No está comprobado científicamente que funcionen.
Must-Reads Of The Week (Some Flying Below The Radar)
Executive editor Damon Darlin takes a spin as host of “The Friday Breeze,” whirling through a week of health care news so you don’t have to.