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Latest California Healthline Stories

Keeping California in Front of the Telehealth Curve

A new report suggests ways legislators and policymakers can create a welcoming policy environment for telehealth. Although the report is tailored for California, officials at the Center for Connected Health Policy say it can serve as a model for other states.

California at Edge of Telehealth Revolution?

The Center for Connected Health Policy’s working group for the Telehealth Model Statute was charged with developing a plan for helping to take telehealth out of the realm of futuristic dreaming and into the present. A report released this week lays the groundwork for how the new technology can become ubiquitous in California.

The first steps are to remove state restrictions on using telehealth in medical practices and to incorporate telehealth concepts in the laws and policies of health care reform, according to Sandra Shewry, president and CEO of the Center for Connected Health Policy.

“We wanted to think through, what are the big ideas that would create the ideal policy environment for telehealth,” Shewry said. “And that’s what’s in this report.”

Two Health IT Groups Join Forces

It seems like a natural fit. Cal eConnect was formed to promote and coordinate electronic health record use in California, and the California E-Prescribing Consortium (CaleRx) is trying to get providers to electronically connect with pharmacists.

Those two processes are inextricably linked, keeping EHRs and prescribing electronically. It’s all in the name of reshaping the health care delivery system, and providing better care at a lower cost.

Yesterday was the first time the two groups officially established an ongoing collaboration, in a joint workgroup meeting. How exactly that collaboration will develop is still being discussed, but everyone seemed to agree on one thing: It’s a good idea to join forces.

Small, Rural Company Center Stage in Data Exchange

Redwood MedNet, a small company in rural Mendocino County, is about to launch California’s first contribution to the national Direct Project for electronic health information exchange. The company’s also working on a statewide immunization reporting system.

Providers Set To Reap Cash from IT Incentive Program

California has a new interim coordinator for health information technology.  Linette Scott stepped in for Jonah Frohlich, who resigned as deputy secretary of health IT at the California Health and Human Services Agency to take a job in the San Francisco law office of Manatt, Phelps & Phillips.

Scott presided over her first stakeholder meeting last week at an opportune time. CMS had just opened up registration for financial incentives for electronic health record implementation.

“This effort is much broader than just an IT project,” Scott said. “This is a way to improve health of all Californians.”

Telemedicine in California Becoming Tele-Reality

Telemedicine may seem futuristic, but it’s not. Not anymore.

“The good news is, at CTN [the California Telehealth Network], we have actually activated sites,” CTN Executive Director Eric Brown said. “Which is huge. This is really huge for us.”

Brown said approximately 25 sites have activated their connections since Dec. 1, and that’s just the run-up to a much bigger launch.