Latest News On Health IT

Latest California Healthline Stories

Health IT Initiatives Less Likely To Be Hijacked, Officials Say

Health IT systems are less susceptible to the kind of hijacking that put San Francisco’s computer systems in limbo for nine days last month, according to health officials. Security regulations in HIPAA guard against it, they say.

Telemedicine Efforts Target Uninsured, Rural Hispanics

Use of telemedicine is becoming a more common way to treat chronic diseases among specific underserved populations, such as Hispanics. Two programs in the state have had early success using the technology to stave off development of more serious and costly conditions among people with diabetes.

California Could Become National Model for Telemedicine

Given California’s size, large percentage of rural residents and policymakers’ willingness to find innovative ways to boost health care quality, the state is well positioned to become a model for telemedicine adoption and use. To seize this opportunity, the state must first alleviate some of the economical, regulatory and behavioral barriers preventing providers from deploying the technology.

Health Cost Comparison Web Sites Slowly Catching On

Health care cost comparison Web sites are cropping up nationwide, even though cost information does not seem to be the top priority of consumers who researching health information online. Health care experts say that it is only a matter of time before consumers embrace online price comparison tools.

Try, Try Again: Health IT on the Agenda in Congress

A new batch of health information technology bills are on the way, but many measures slated to be introduced in the current session of Congress are revived and revised versions of legislation from 2005. What has changed since the last time they were introduced?

EHR Adoption Efforts Should Focus on Small Practices

A survey of physicians in Massachusetts found that practice size strongly correlated with EHR adoption, as 52% of practices with 7 or more physicians reported using an EHR, compared with just 14% of solo practices.