Latest California Healthline Stories
California’s Medi-Cal Automation System May Get a Reboot
The computer systems that manage California’s human services programs — including Medi-Cal, the state’s Medicaid program — are nearing the end of their useful lives. Legislators are trying to figure out how the cash-strapped state can pay for new ones.
Government Making Progress on Federal Stimulus Provisions
Since early March, the federal government has made significant progress in awarding grants and implementing various provisions of the federal economic stimulus package.
Federal Officials Seek Input From States on Health Reform
Officials from CMS and HHS delivered a consistent health reform message last week at the National Conference of State Legislatures Spring Forum in Washington, D.C.: “We’re all in this together and the more we can help each other, the better.”
California Moving Ahead With Efforts To Boost Adoption of Electronic Health Record Systems
Robin Affrime of the Redwood Community Health Coalition, Carmella Castellano-Garcia of the California Primary Care Association and Speranza Avram of CalHIPSO share their thoughts on CalHIPSO’s mission.
‘Defining Moment’ for Health Information Exchange in California
Last week, California officials tapped a private, not-for-profit organization to lead efforts to develop a statewide health information exchange. Although there still isn’t unanimity on how to proceed in some areas, the group’s co-chairs are looking forward.
Stimulus Programs Aim at Health IT Problems
Hoping to avoid future problems and educate the public about current challenges, the federal government is aiming stimulus funding at a couple of offshoot efforts in the national campaign to move the health care industry into the digital age.
‘Meaningful Use’ Rules Cap Year-End Health IT Activity
“Meaningful use” rules released just under deadline may have been the most anticipated health IT development of year’s end, but it wasn’t the only one. The federal government continues to move ahead with various programs spelled out in the federal stimulus package.
California Health IT Sphere in Flux in Wake of CalRHIO Shake-Up
CalRHIO, one of the country’s first organizations designed to oversee the exchange of digital health information, has entered a state of limbo after failing to win designation as California’s lead health IT agency.
Federal Stimulus Funds Aim To Help Medi-Cal Providers Adopt Electronic Health Record Tools
Kim Ortiz of the Department of Health Care Services, Sean South of the California Primary Care Association and Mary Szecsey of West County Health Centers spoke with California Healthline about the new federal funds.
Clearer Picture Emerges on Stimulus’ IT Funding
The Office of the National Coordinator for Health IT recently issued updates on funding programs aimed at advancing health IT adoption, including changes to an existing funding program and the announcement of a new initiative.