Latest California Healthline Stories
En la frontera, médicos voluntarios brindan atención temporal a inmigrantes
En consultorios improvisados en depósitos, médicos y asistentes voluntarios pasan largas horas atendiendo las necesidades de salud de miles de migrantes.
Crowd At Capitol Demands Immigrant Health Coverage
Immigrants rallied at the state Capitol on Wednesday, calling for lawmakers to support a proposal to expand full Medicaid benefits to adult immigrants who are in the country illegally. Opponents cited potentially exorbitant costs.
A Mumps Quarantine In La. May Encroach On Rights Of Detained Immigrants
A recent outbreak at a Louisiana center triggered public health protections, but some immigration lawyers are crying foul.
Cuarentena por paperas en Louisiana puede violar los derechos de inmigrantes detenidos
Un brote de paperas y una cuarentena en el Centro de Procesamiento de Inmigración y Control de Aduanas de Pine Prairie, en Louisiana, impidió que los inmigrantes obtuvieran recursos legales, incluidos sus representantes legales.
Denuncias de inseguridad y falta de atención en centros de inmigrantes de California
Dos informes oficiales denuncian problemas con el acceso a la atención médica y la falta de seguridad en al menos 10 centros del estado.
Detention Centers In California Lack Oversight And Proper Care, Reports Find
Health and safety problems at immigration detention facilities throughout California pose a serious risk to detainees, according to two reports released Tuesday. State Attorney General Xavier Becerra and California State Auditor Elaine Howle concluded that federal and local governments are failing to adequately oversee the facilities, allowing the problems to persist.
¿Sola? ¿Ansioso? ¿Deprimido? Tal vez tu dentista puede ayudarte
Una dentista de Oakland decidió incorporar una consultoría de salud mental en su práctica al observar que los pacientes hablaban de sus problemas de salud mental.
Lonely? Anxious? Depressed? Maybe Your Dentist Can Help
An Oakland dental clinic has started screening its patients for depression, and referring them to a mental health counselor down the hall for immediate care if necessary. The program at Asian Health Services could be replicated elsewhere, and make help for mental health problems more accessible to hard-to-reach populations.
Progressives Tout ‘Medicare-For-All’ But States Eye ‘Medicaid Buy-In’
New Mexico is one of several states looking at offering consumers a government-sponsored plan. The proposals would typically have benefits similar to what is available in Medicaid, the state-federal health plan for low-income people.
For California Attorney General Xavier Becerra, Resistance Is Personal
Xavier Becerra, the state’s first Latino attorney general, is one of President Donald Trump’s most relentless adversaries. He attributes his legal values — and his opposition to the current administration — to his upbringing as the son of Mexican immigrants.