Latest California Healthline Stories
Anti-Immigrant Vitriol Complicates Vaccine Rollout in Southern States
Inoculating the millions of undocumented workers who produce America’s agricultural bounty will be key to achieving herd immunity against covid-19. But garnering the trust of these workers is proving complicated, particularly in the South, where the last four years have been marked by workplace raids and anti-immigrant vitriol.
El discurso anti inmigrante complica la vacunación contra covid en estados del sur
Mientras el país se embarca en la abrumadora tarea de vacunar, a muchos funcionarios de salud se les dificulta la tarea de vacunar a 11 millones de indocumentados.
Scalise’s Claim That Unauthorized Immigrants Are Getting Priority for Vaccination Misses the Point
Congressman Steve Scalise claimed during a Fox News interview that President Joe Biden was allowing immigrants to “jump the line” ahead of Americans for vaccination. But the administration merely has said everyone should have access to the vaccine, regardless of immigration status, and get vaccinated when eligible.
La afirmación de Scalise de que los indocumentados tienen prioridad para vacunarse no tiene sentido
Es importante que todos se vacunen, independientemente del estatus migratorio, no solo como una buena práctica de salud pública, sino también desde una perspectiva ética y humana.
California Lawmakers to Newsom: Give All Immigrants Health Coverage
Given the pandemic’s disproportionate hit on minority communities, two Democratic lawmakers are pushing Newsom to agree to offer health care to all unauthorized immigrants. They planned to unveil legislation Monday — and a new strategy to make it happen.
Republican Convention, Day 4: Fireworks … and Shining a Light on Trump’s Claims
Donald Trump accepted his party’s nomination to seek reelection for a second term as president in front of a partisan audience that appeared to largely lack masks and opt against social distancing.
They Cared for Some of New York’s Most Vulnerable Communities. Then 12 Died.
Immigrant health workers help keep the U.S. health system afloat — and they’re dying of COVID-19 at high rates.
Many People of Color, Immigrants Among Over 1,000 US Health Workers Lost to COVID
The Guardian and KHN release new figures showing that, among health care workers, a disproportionate number of immigrants and minorities have died.
Inmigrantes y personas de minorías entre los más de 1,000 trabajadores de salud muertos por COVID
El virus ha cobrado un precio desproporcionado en las comunidades de color y entre los inmigrantes, y los trabajadores de salud no se han librado de esa tendencia.
With DACA Ruling, Did Supreme Court Grant Trump New Powers To Reshape Health Care?
There’s a theory now being embraced by President Donald Trump that the Supreme Court’s recent DACA decision makes it harder for a new president to undo the executive action of a predecessor. He cited it in a recent interview, saying that finding gave him the power to issue new health care and immigration plans. And some legal scholars disagree.