Latest California Healthline Stories
Surprise! Here’s Another Bill For That ‘Paramedic Response’
California cities increasingly are billing patients for paramedic services that they say were not covered by insurers. One 85-year-old woman took on city hall.
El sitio Infórmate ofrece recursos e información para ayudar a erradicar mitos culturales que hacen que los latinos no se conviertan en donantes vivos de riñón.
Telenovelas, Spanish Website Seek To Inform Hispanics About Kidney Donations
The website Infórmate offers resources and information to help dispel cultural myths that may keep Latinos from becoming live kidney donors.
Expensive Drugs in 2016 Crosshairs
Lawmakers, policymakers and California voters are poised this year to move past dismay and discussion about rising prescription drug prices. With a new law on the books in California and a petition approved for the statewide ballot, dismay may give way to action.