Latest California Healthline Stories
La “máquina Gesundheit” recolecta virus para enfrentar a la feroz gripe
En la Universidad de Maryland, en College Park, estudiantes participan de un estudio que investiga cómo se disemina el virus de la gripe y otros gérmenes peligrosos.
The ‘Gesundheit Machine’ Collects Campus Cooties In Race Against A Fierce Flu
Environmental health professor Don Milton is studying how the flu — and other dangerous infections — are spread. The close quarters of dorm rooms and cafeterias at the University of Maryland provide him with a steady supply of research subjects.
Con incentivos en cupones de alimentos, ayudan a latinos a comer más sano
A través de recompensas monetarias, el programa “Más Fresco” en California ayuda a las familias de bajos recursos a comprar productos más saludables.
When Food Stamps Pass As Tickets To Better Health
A federally funded program is partnering with a Latino grocery chain to reward people who use their food stamps to put more fresh produce on their tables.
Despite Prod By ACA, Tax-Exempt Hospitals Slow To Expand Community Benefits
Nationally, the ACA’s efforts to nudge nonprofit hospitals to provide more community-wide benefits have had limited success. Still, “California’s community benefits programs work well – and have since the 1990s,” a California Hospital Association official says.
Los buenos amigos podrían ayudar a mantener un cerebro sano al envejecer
Nuevos estudios revelan que las relaciones positivas pueden ayudar a que no se deterioren las funciones cognitivas.
Good Friends Might Be Your Best Brain Booster As You Age
SuperAgers, men and women over age 80 with extraordinary memories, share a commitment to sustaining friendships.
El miedo compromete la salud y el bienestar de las familias inmigrantes
El clima político en derredor de la inmigración ha generado más estrés y temor en las familias que temen ser separadas por la deportación.
If Your Insurer Covers Few Therapists, Is That Really Mental Health Parity?
Behavioral care was at least four times more likely to be out-of-network than medical or surgical care, an analysis by Milliman shows.
Stopping Opioid Addiction At One Key Source: The Hospital
Based on research conducted at the University of Michigan’s medical center, a group of surgeons developed a strategy to help post-surgical patients from misusing or abusing their prescription painkillers.