Latest California Healthline Stories
ACA Protections For Sick Patients Still Popular Despite GOP’s Efforts To End Them
Despite a decision by the Trump administration to ask a court to nullify the portion of the health law guaranteeing coverage to the sick, the Kaiser Family Foundation poll finds most people want insurers to be required to offer coverage and not charge more.
Por miedo a la deportación, padres sacan a sus niños de programas de salud
El miedo que está generando la política de “tolerancia cero” hace que padres sin papeles retiren a sus niños de programas de atención médica críticos.
Fearing Deportation, Immigrant Parents Are Opting Out Of Health Benefits For Kids
Advocates in Texas say immigrant families, nervous about a higher degree of scrutiny in applications for health and food benefits, are choosing to drop out of Medicaid and SNAP for citizen children.
Uno de cada 5 niños detenidos en la frontera tiene menos de 13 años
Representan casi el 20% de los niños inmigrantes que actualmente están bajo custodia del gobierno de los Estados Unidos, mientras avanza la política de “tolerancia cero”.
1 In 5 Immigrant Children Detained During ‘Zero Tolerance’ Border Policy Are Under 13
The White House’s latest immigration strategy has created challenges for the HHS Office of Refugee Resettlement, which is now responsible for more children — many far younger than in previous administrations.
Administration Eases Way For Small Businesses To Buy Insurance In Bulk
The Trump administration issued the final rule on association health plans, which supporters say will make coverage more affordable for some employees but led others to warn about “junk insurance.” Officials in California, aware of the state’s bad experience with such plans, are eager to avert their return.
Calif. Exchange Chief Sees No Rate Impact From Latest Trump Challenge To ACA
Peter Lee says the court challenge will take time and California will have a chance to pass its own protections in the interim. However, the decision by Congress to eliminate the tax penalty on people who choose not to buy insurance will weigh on 2019 premiums, Lee said. Recent projections by the exchange show an average 11 percent rate hike in 2019, along with a 12 percent drop in enrollment.
Puede peligrar prevención de enfermedades de transmisión sexual por recorte de fondos
La decisión de la administración Trump de recortar fondos a servicios de planificación familiar que realizan abortos, o refieren para estos procedimientos, puede afectar la prevención de ETS.
The ‘Perfect Storm’: Redirecting Family Planning Funds Could Undercut STD Fight
Some public health officials fear that the Trump administration’s proposals to change how Title X funding is handled may impede the effort to cut the record number of sexually transmitted diseases.
California’s Attorney General Vows National Fight To Defend The ACA
Xavier Becerra, who is leading an effort by at least 15 states to protect the law, said the Trump Administration’s latest efforts to dismantle it endangers coverage for millions of Americans.