Latest California Healthline Stories
Huecos en las promesas de proteger la cobertura de condiciones preexistentes
Expertos en políticas de salud que han analizado el texto del proyecto de salud del Senado, aseguran que la legislación no siempre garantizaría la atención de personas con condiciones preexistentes.
Proyecto de salud del Senado cambiaría Medicaid y limitaría apoyo para las primas
Los republicanos en el Senado revelaron un proyecto de ley de salud que transformaría dramáticamente el programa Medicaid, que ayuda a 70 millones de personas de bajos ingresos a tener cobertura de salud.
Senate Health Bill Would Revamp Medicaid, Alter ACA Guarantees, Cut Premium Support
Despite promises to craft their own way to revamp the federal health law, the Senate Republican bill follows the House’s lead in many ways.
Senate Releases Health Care Legislation: Read The Bill
The public — and most senators — got their first look at the bill as it was released Thursday morning. It had been crafted in secret over the past several weeks.
Calif. GOP Congressmen Aim To Boost Medicaid Pay For Doctors After Votes To Slash Program
Critics say the bill, sponsored by Reps. David Valadao and Jeff Denham, is an effort to deflect attention from their support of the House GOP’s health care bill. But some say they are addressing a serious problem: California’s Medicaid rates are among the lowest in the nation.
Not Your Average Senators: Meet The GOP Men Reshaping Your Health Care
The Senate’s version of the American Health Care Act was revealed Thursday. Here’s an insider’s look at the men who drafted it.
As GOP Deliberates In Washington, Californians Fear For Their Health Coverage
A new survey shows more than half of Californians fear that they or a family member could lose coverage if Republican plans for the nation’s health care system become law.
Ear To The Door: 5 Things Being Weighed In Secret Health Bill Also Weigh It Down
No one knows what the final Senate bill will look like — not even those writing it. But here are some safe, educated guesses.
Descent Into Secrecy: Senate Health Talks Speak To Steady Retreat From Transparency
The Senate’s secret deliberation on the health bill overhaul is part of a long, slow slide away from transparency. And I’m a witness.
Out Of Work And Looking For Insurance: COBRA May Be The Best Bet For Now
With lots of questions about the 2018 insurance market still in play, someone who is between jobs might want to stick with their job-based insurance at least until the outlines of the health law’s marketplaces are clear in the fall.