Latest California Healthline Stories
Planned Parenthood Funding Could Thwart GOP Efforts On Health Bill
A provision in the House bill to strip funding from organizations that provide abortions may not meet the strict rules needed to bypass the filibuster in the Senate.
California Governor Urges State Budget Restraint Amid Obamacare Repeal Effort
Gov. Jerry Brown hopes to forestall massive federal funding cuts under the GOP health care bill but proposed a fiscally conservative budget to prepare for that scenario.
Grassley, Chaffetz Send Fiery Response To HHS Memo They Say Chills Whistleblowing
The two Republican lawmakers sent a letter to HHS Secretary Tom Price warning him that whistleblowers in HHS could be intimidated into silence by a department memo instructing employees to get clearance before talking with members of Congress and their staffs.
The Potential Price Of Party Loyalty
Will some of California’s GOP members of Congress suffer at the polls because they supported an Obamacare replacement bill that could harm many of their constituents? California Healthline’s Emily Bazar discussed the topic on Southern California’s KCRW radio.
Why Blue States Might Ditch Beloved Obamacare Protections
With limited federal subsidies under the GOP health care bill, experts say states like California and New York would be under pressure to cut costs. That could mean shrinking benefits and dropping the prohibition against charging sicker patients higher premiums.
California’s GOP Congress Members Could Pay Politically For ACA Repeal Vote
Some political analysts and community advocates say members of California’s Republican congressional delegation, which voted unanimously for the House bill, could be haunted at the polls.
Political Theater: How A Bill That Nearly All Opposed Managed To Pass The House
House Republicans can say they kept their campaign promise to replace Obamacare, but they’re counting on the Senate to backstop them.
Blue Shield CEO Says GOP’s ‘Flawed’ Health Bill Would Harm Sicker Consumers
CEO Paul Markovich said he opposes the Republican plan because it would allow insurers to once again discriminate against people with preexisting conditions. “We are better than that,” he said.
Clock Is Ticking On GOP Bill: 5 Ways Health Care Tug-Of-War May Play Out
Despite pressure from the White House and GOP leaders, Republicans have not yet secured enough votes to pass their health law replacement bill. Here’s a look at their choices going forward.
Running Short On Time, Covered California And Insurers Seek Obamacare Answers From GOP
Health insurers must submit initial rates to California’s exchange on Monday, but confusion persists over core elements of the current health law.