Latest California Healthline Stories
Rural Doctors’ Training May Be In Jeopardy
A program designed to address the shortage of doctors in rural and poor urban areas could be in peril unless Congress acts.
5 Things To Know About The Subsidies At The Heart Of A Capitol Hill Battle
Democrats want a bill to fund the government for the rest of the year to include funding for the health law’s cost-sharing reductions for low-income marketplace customers, but Republicans want to keep the issues separate.
Drugmakers Dramatically Boosted Lobbying Spending In Trump’s First Quarter
With high drug prices creating widespread controversy, top pharmaceutical companies and their trade group vastly increased their lobbying spending on Capitol Hill.
Nonprofit Linked To PhRMA Rolls Out Campaign To Block Drug Imports
The advocacy group behind an expensive media blitz opposing Canadian drug imports has deep ties to the drug industry’s largest trade group.
GOP Bills To Replace Obamacare Do Not Tinker With Lawmakers’ Coverage
Republicans are hoping to overhaul the federal health law. Among the law’s many provisions is a requirement that members of Congress and their staffs buy their health insurance on the law’s marketplaces.
Death By 1,000 Cuts: How Republicans Can Still Alter Your Coverage
There are many ways beyond legislative repeal for the Trump administration and congressional Republicans to unravel the Affordable Care Act.
GOP Has No Choice But To Keep Pushing Health Care Rock Up The Hill
The White House continues to look for a policy “win” while members of the House are concerned about heading home for the spring recess where they could “get hammered” for not fulfilling their promise to repeal Obamacare.
For Better Or Worse, Trump And GOP Now Own Health Care
More than six in 10 people think that moving forward the responsibility for dealing with the health law problems is the responsibility of President Donald Trump and Republicans controlling Congress, Kaiser Family Foundation poll finds.
Where There’s Willingness, There’s A Way For Congress And Trump To Fix Health Law
After the collapse of the Republican replacement plan, there may be a way to find consensus and repair the law.
Senators Demand Answers About Possible Probe Of HHS Secretary Price
Democratic senators want the Justice Department to reveal what it knows about ProPublica’s recent report that HHS Secretary Tom Price’s stock trades were under investigation by former U.S. Attorney Preet Bharara before the Trump administration fired him.