Listen: Immigrants Fear Gun Violence and Students Conduct Covid Outreach
By Heidi de Marco and Stephanie O'Neill Patison
California Healthline journalists report on a study showing immigrants worry more about gun violence than other adults, a program where teens teach vaccine safety, and why more Californians choose to die at home.
Faces of Medi-Cal
Featured Stories Share your Medi-Cal story We want to hear about your experiences and, with your permission, may incorporate your story into our coverage. Please tell us what it has been like for you as you have sought and received care, including the good and the bad, the obstacles and the successes. Comparta su historia […]
Adolescentes latinos se entrenan para educar sobre las vacunas contra covid
By Heidi de Marco
Organizaciones comunitarias de salud en California y en todo el país forman a adolescentes, muchos de ellos latinos, para que actúen como educadores de la salud en la escuela, en las redes sociales y en las comunidades donde persiste el miedo a la vacuna contra covid.
Latino Teens Are Deputized as Health Educators to Sway the Unvaccinated
By Heidi de Marco
Some community health groups are training Latino teens to conduct outreach and education, particularly in places where covid vaccine fears linger.
Líder de justicia ambiental dice que la Proposición 30 ayudaría a limpiar el aire en zonas en riesgo
By Heidi de Marco
Ana González creció viendo cómo Inland Empire se transformaba de plantaciones de cítricos y viñedos en almacenes y centros de distribución minorista. Ahora es una zona en alto riesgo ambiental.
Journalists Look Into Wildfire Trauma and the South’s Monkeypox Response
KHN and California Healthline staff made the rounds on national and local media this week to discuss their stories. Here’s a collection of their appearances.
Niños del norte de California aprenden a lidiar con el trauma que dejan los incendios
By Heidi de Marco
A medida que los incendios forestales de California se vuelven más intensos, frecuentes y generalizados, muchos niños que los sobreviven experimentan traumas psicológicos duraderos, como ansiedad, depresión y trastorno de estrés postraumático.
Listen: Valley Fever, Health Worker Pay, and Ambulance Rides
By Heidi de Marco and Stephanie O'Neill Patison
California Healthline journalists report on the intersection between drought and valley fever, a union’s campaign to boost the minimum wage for some health care workers, and an ambulance company’s decision to stop providing some nonemergency services.
Environmental Justice Leader Says Proposition 30 Would Help Struggling Areas Clear the Air
By Heidi de Marco
Ana Gonzalez, who leads an environmental justice group in the Inland Empire, has endorsed Proposition 30, a ballot initiative backed by the ride-hailing company Lyft that would tax millionaires to fund zero-emission vehicle subsidies and electric charging stations. She contends most state policies overlook marginalized communities that are disproportionately affected by air pollution.
Listen: Teaching Teens to Reverse Overdoses, Taxes on Uninsured Californians, and More
By Heidi de Marco and Stephanie O'Neill Patison
California Healthline journalists report on efforts to train teens to use the opioid overdose reversal drug naloxone, the state’s decision not to spend the tax penalty money from uninsured residents, Centene’s political contributions, and efforts to keep young kids on Medicaid for several years after birth.