This Gift Voucher Might Just Get You A Kidney By Fran Kritz September 15, 2017 A retired California judge came up with the idea of donating his kidney to a stranger now to maximize his grandson’s prospects for such a donation later. The idea caught on. FacebookLinkedInXEmailPrint
Has California Hit The Brakes In Regulating Breath-Robbing Big Rigs? By Ngoc Nguyen Photos by Heidi de Marco July 17, 2017 The state has made a huge dent in diesel pollution from freight trucks. But critics fear exemptions in a new law will stall progress, especially endangering the health of children and seniors near ports. FacebookLinkedInXEmailPrint
Alzheimer’s Looms Large For Latinos By Heidi de Marco February 23, 2017 In this broadcast by KPCC radio in Los Angeles, California Healthline’s Heidi de Marco reports on the challenges of a daughter caring for her Alzheimer’s-afflicted mother. FacebookLinkedInXEmailPrint
Zika In America: One Mom’s Saga By JoNel Aleccia Photos by Heidi de Marco June 13, 2017 So far, 72 affected babies have been born in the continental U.S. One young mother, infected in Mexico last year, and her infant face an uncertain future in rural Washington. FacebookLinkedInXEmailPrint
Zika en América: la saga de una mamá hispana By JoNel Aleccia Photos by Heidi de Marco June 13, 2017 Lo primero que hizo María Ríos cuando nació su beba es chequear el tamaño de su cabeza. Fue entonces cuando supo que sus miedos se habían hecho realidad: la niña había nacido con microcefalia, una consecuencia del zika. FacebookLinkedInXEmailPrint
Breathing Fire: Health Is A Casualty Of Climate-Fueled Blazes By John Upton, Climate Central and Barbara Feder Ostrov Photos by Heidi de Marco November 7, 2017 As the planet warms, wildfires such as the latest disastrous blazes in Northern California have increased in frequency and scope. Beyond the environmental effects, people suffer health repercussions that can be disabling and even deadly. FacebookLinkedInXEmailPrint
Bringing Former Hospitals Back To Life – Ghosts And All By Anna Gorman and Phil Galewitz September 28, 2017 As the number of hospitals across the country has plummeted, many old buildings are finding new life as apartments and condos. FacebookLinkedInXEmailPrint
Home Visits Help New Parents Overcome Tough Histories, Raise Healthy Children By Anna Gorman Photos by Heidi de Marco August 21, 2017 A program that provides $400 million in federal funding for the visits expires next month. Advocates and providers hope it will be reauthorized with a higher level of funding — but some worry that might not happen. FacebookLinkedInXEmailPrint
La nueva batalla contra la septicemia By Anna Gorman Photos by Heidi de Marco June 16, 2017 Enfermeras especializadas se encargan de detectar la peligrosa infección a tiempo en pacientes hospitalizados, para prevenir desenlaces fatales. FacebookLinkedInXEmailPrint
Who Will Care For Abril? Parents Fear For Their Disabled Child If They Are Deported By Jocelyn Wiener Photos by Heidi de Marco May 17, 2017 Anticipating a broader immigration crackdown, undocumented families are hiring lawyers and scrambling to make contingency plans for their seriously ill U.S.-born kids. FacebookLinkedInXEmailPrint