Latest California Healthline Stories
Legislature Examines Duals Transition
Toby Douglas took a good amount of heat last Wednesday at an Assembly joint hearing of the committee on Aging and Long-Term Care and the Budget subcommittee on Health and Human Services.
Douglas — director of the state Department of Health Care Services — with a full array of budget cuts, program transitions and agency reorganization on his plate, has been making presentations and fielding questions at a number of legislative hearings recently. None of them has been a cakewalk, but this hearing was a little more barbed than most.
Complaints and concerns ranged from a perceived lack of choice to worry over rapid-fire changes.
More People May Be Eligible for Adult Day Services
There was a glimmer of good news for the 35,000 adult day health care Medi-Cal patients in California. It looks like a much higher percentage of them than previously estimated will be eligible to receive the new benefit called Community Based Adult Services.
Department of Health Care Services Director Toby Douglas originally said he expected about 50% of current ADHC patients to qualify for the new program. ADHC will be eliminated as a Medi-Cal benefit on Mar. 31 and the CBAS program starts Apr. 1.
Now it looks like 70% to 80% of those receiving the ADHC benefit will qualify for CBAS, according to Catherine Blakemore, executive director of Disability Rights California, which is monitoring the state’s assessment and placement of ADHC patients.
Can Health Equity Be a Moneymaker?
Sometimes the right thing might also be the financially beneficial thing.
Physician groups are gathering today in Sacramento for a conference on disparities in health care related to race, language and geography. This time, the debate is not just about the moral imperative to promote equity in health care, but also about the clinical and financial impetus to make that move.
“The thing that has changed, as more people are brought into systems of care with accountability, health organizations are going to be looking at avoidable cost as well as avoidable risk,” according to Wells Shoemaker, medical director of the California Association of Physician Groups, which organized the conference.”It’s sort of the low-hanging fruit when you’re looking for avoidable costs.”
Health Care May Play Part in California Political Makeover
With retirements on both sides of the aisle, new congressional districts and new voting rules, California’s political makeup is headed for change in both Washington, D.C., and Sacramento. A couple of health care issues — a controversial Medicare plan in Congress and a state ballot proposal to regulate health insurance premiums — could play a part in how those changes happen.
What’s Best Enrollment Process for Dual Eligibles?
State officials face a key decision in orchestrating a shift into managed care for more than one million Californians who are beneficiaries of both Medicare and Medi-Cal: How to enroll people in the new plans. We asked stakeholders and experts to discuss pros and cons of various enrollment options.
Four Resolutions We Hope Lawmakers Will Keep This Year
The Republicans have promised a replacement for the health reform law. The Democrats had planned a payment advisory panel. Both parties want a “doc fix.” Will this be the year lawmakers stick to their promises?
Politics Have Always Been Part of Policy — but Have We Hit a New Low?
Berwick’s out. Overruling the FDA is in. A flurry of recent headlines recall another moment when politics and health policy collided and set the nation on a new course.
How To Protect Seniors During Duals Conversion?
Yesterday’s stakeholder meeting to help plan the duals conversion pilots was partially notable for what it was not.
It was not rancorous, it was not loud and the discussion went relatively smoothly for the Department of Health Care Services, compared with last week’s grilling of DHCS over the smaller conversion of SPDs (seniors and persons with disabilities) to managed care.
“Hearing the issues here today is very important for us,” Melanie Bella of CMS said at the end of the meeting. “A couple of things we said were non-negotiable here are stakeholder involvement, meaningful stakeholder involvement and consumer protections.”
Mandatory Enrollment Draws Attention From Legislators
The state wants to move fee-for-service Medi-Cal beneficiaries who are seniors and persons with disabilities into managed care plans. At the same time, the state is in the initial stages of launching a demonstration project to eventually move up to 1.1 million dual eligibles — those eligible for both Medicare and Medi-Cal benefits — into managed care.
Today in Sacramento, those two significant efforts get some legislative oversight. The Senate and Assembly health committees are holding a joint hearing on how those two efforts will be conducted.
“We want the health care system to be more efficient, but without sacrificing patient care,” Assembly member Bill Monning (D-Carmel) said. “The objective [of both efforts] is to improve patient care. So this is an opportunity to have some transparency for the public and some oversight.”
What a Waste: Why We Can’t Rein In Extra Health Spending
Don Berwick took a parting shot at the waste in the U.S. health system as he stepped down at CMS, reinvigorating a question as old as Medicare: Why isn’t our system more efficient?