
Latest California Healthline Stories

Reviews Mixed for New Law on Nursing Home Ratings

Beginning in 2011, California nursing homes that participate in Medicare or Medicaid will be required to post their ratings from CMS’ five-star system.  Supporters of the law say it will help consumers make health care decisions, but nursing home operators say CMS’ system is inaccurate.

Reform Could Shift Medicare Money Away From California

Realigning regional spending on Medicare could help pay for national health reform by saving $1.42 trillion over the next 15 years, but some parts of the country — including California — stand to pay a higher Medicare toll for reform than others.

Obama, Democratic Leaders Push for Swift Action on Reform

President Obama has called for both houses of Congress to pass health care reform legislation before lawmakers adjourn for the August recess.  House Democrats stepped up to the plate and unveiled their proposal yesterday, and the Senate HELP Committees approved its bill this morning.

California Seeks Changes to Medicare Audit Program

CMS has piloted a Medicare audit program in California since 2005, but many California hospitals, nursing homes and now lawmakers say there are major problems in the program and are calling for it to be re-examined before it is rolled out nationwide.