Road to Reform

Latest California Healthline Stories

Could This Little-Watched Court Case Sink Obamacare?

A pair of lawsuits allege that a major part of the Affordable Care Act is technically illegal. Are these suits a real threat to the ACA, or the last gasps of conservative resistance before the law’s provisions go online? Depends whom you ask.

Physicians Wary — or Simply Unaware — of ACA Loophole

A little-known Affordable Care Act provision could stick physicians with patients’ treatment bills. Experts warn that doctors could avoid state health insurance exchanges as a result, but perhaps even more troublesome is the number of doctors who are unaware of the loophole.

Low Costs and Narrow Networks: Inside Covered California

Why are some top insurers sitting out — and several top hospitals being pushed out — of the Golden State’s health insurance exchange? Here’s a look at the payers and providers that won’t be participating next year, and what their absences mean.

How Obamacare Could Change Medi-Cal For the Better (and Worse)

The Affordable Care Act will help boost Medi-Cal enrollment, which could lead to positive trickle-down effects for California, but observers warn that the program is already dealing with funding and access concerns.

What the Oregon Study Says (or Doesn’t) About Medicaid

Health care observers have claimed the results of the Oregon Health Study for their own, shaping its findings to fit their arguments about Medicaid and its expansion under Obamacare. Are the results too heavily emphasized considering the study’s limitations?

Wal-Mart Could Transform Health Care. But Does it Want to?

Companies like Walgreen and CVS has gotten considerable attention for inching into health care in recent months. But Wal-Mart remains the looming giant that could shake up delivery and access.

Are High-Risk Pools a Preview of Obamacare’s Failure?

Two months ago, the Obama administration suspended enrollment in an Affordable Care Act program that offers insurance coverage for sick residents. Some observers say the move is indicative of larger ACA snags to come, while others say the high-risk pools have isolated problems.

How Much Should We Care About Obama’s Budget?

The president’s new budget contains a slew of health care reforms — but given the slender chance they become law, what are the real ramifications? Several experts weigh in.