Road to Reform

Latest California Healthline Stories

Immigrant Health Care: Many Not Eligible for Medicaid Expansion

A study finds that a significant portion of low-income individuals in states like California and Texas would not be helped by a potential Medicaid expansion because of their immigration status. The states are assessing other avenues of coverage.

Five Things Obamacare Got Right — and What Experts Would Fix

The Affordable Care Act celebrates its third birthday this week. Will it be a happy one? In the eyes of experts, here’s a look at what the law got right — and what deserves a do-over.

As Mass. Goes, So Goes California? Questioning the Safety Net’s Future

Although county officials are worried that expanded insurance coverage under the Affordable Care Act could prompt newly insured Californians to turn away from safety-net facilities, Massachusetts health reformers say that hasn’t been their experience.

The Radical Rethinking of Primary Care Starts Now

After years of being overlooked, primary care — or efforts to transform it, at least — has emerged as a major focus for reform. Here’s a look at the ongoing problems with primary care, and some of the more striking initiatives to redesign it.

How Many States Are Really Opting Into ACA? Devil’s in the Details

From Rick Scott to Chris Christie, more governors are changing their minds and opting into the Affordable Care Act’s Medicaid expansion, but state legislators are proving a tougher sell — and in at least eight states, may have the clout to derail an expansion.

Higher Cost, Inferior Care: Dental Health in Emergency Departments

More people are seeking dental care in emergency departments as dentists turn away Medicaid patients. Does the Affordable Care Act present a solution to this costly trend, or must states look elsewhere?

Path to Partnership: More States Opt for HHS’ Hybrid Exchanges

“Road to Reform” examines why HHS created the partnership insurance exchange model — and which states are eyeing the hybrid model ahead of this Friday’s deadline for participation.

Obamacare Will Bring Changes — and Walgreens Wants ‘To Fill the Void’

After more than five years of ramping up health services, Walgreens last month took another major step and launched three accountable care organizations. The chain’s executives say that it’s poised to fill gaps in health care, especially with rising demand brought on by the Affordable Care Act.

Access Denied? Implications of Medi-Cal Pay Cut

Can you expand Medicaid coverage while cutting provider payments and still preserve access to care? California officials think so, but patient advocates aren’t so sure.