Road to Reform

Latest California Healthline Stories

Why the ObamaCare ‘Dirty Deals’ Don’t Tarnish the Law

Opponents of the Affordable Care Act are now trumpeting secret White House emails as their latest evidence that the reform law is broken. One author of the law begs to differ.

If ACA Stands, What California Stands To Gain (or Lose)

The Supreme Court’s ruling on ObamaCare is imminent, and most analysts have focused on what happens if the law gets struck down. Here’s a reminder of what comes next if the law is allowed to stand.

Does Health Care’s Profit Motive Hurt More Than it Helps?

The federal health care law has created a whole new set of financial incentives, and some less-appealing implications — like several marketers pitching hospice care as a “cost-cutter” for hospitals — are now coming to light.

Four Myths About ObamaCare That Just Won’t Die

Has any piece of major legislation ever engendered as much misinformation? More than two years after the Affordable Care Act passed, both critics and supporters are still telling tall tales — and coming up with new ones, too.

‘The Passage of Power’ and the Passage of Medicare

A long-awaited biography of Lyndon Johnson goes inside White House strategy in the early 1960s. Does the battle to pass Medicare hold any lessons for today?

Advocates Hope ACA Will Knit Children’s Patchwork

Hoping the Affordable Care Act will knit together a patchwork of protections, advocates for children’s health coverage await the Supreme Court’s ruling with an uncomfortable mixture of worry and optimism.

A Second Opinion on Medicare ‘Double Counting’

Myth or fact: There’s no such thing as an honest Medicare budget. Why the latest blow-up over health care accounting is symptomatic of a larger problem.

Health IT: The Common Ground in Health Care Reform?

Arguments inside and outside the Supreme Court building last month reaffirmed the nation’s sharp divide over the federal health reform law. But one aspect of the law is likely to continue drawing support from both sides of the aisle: health information technology.