Road to Reform

Latest California Healthline Stories

Insurers Flip the Script: Making Sense of Givebacks

Blue Shield of California pledged to cap its income. Aetna requested to cut its premiums in Connecticut. The moves aren’t unprecedented. But will they set a precedent?

Next Political Battle Brewing on Medicaid Messaging

Democrats have seized on Republicans’ planned reforms to Medicare, using the issue to frame their deficit reduction talks and as a starting point for political campaigns. While the GOP’s Medicaid proposal has drawn less scrutiny, advocates are expected to focus on threats to the program’s funding in the coming weeks.

The Other Republican Health Reformer

As governor, one GOP presidential candidate oversaw dramatic health reforms in his state. His name? Tim Pawlenty.

Why Nursing Homes Want To Waive Goodbye to Reform Law

Should health care workers get adequate health care — or should nursing homes be exempt from the health reform law? Long-term care providers test the boundaries.

Sequels to ObamaCare: ScottCare, ShumlinCare and More Take Stage

As states implement the federal health care law, three new governors are carrying out bold health reforms of their own — and possibly setting a template for similar decisions across the nation.

Don Berwick Wants You To Judge the Quality, Not Quantity, of His Service

Much of the news coverage — and political debate — on the federal health care overhaul has focused on long-term changes to health coverage. Although CMS head Don Berwick’s full quality agenda has received less of the spotlight, his plans are intended to immediately affect millions while saving billions.

Medicare’s Old Age Problem Is New Again

Is 67 the new 65? Republicans have again proposed hiking Medicare’s eligibility age as a gambit to extend program solvency. Some have championed the plan, but many policy analysts — and much of the public — are resisting the idea.

Insurance Agents Try To Broker Deal on MLR

Few stakeholders have been as quickly affected by the health reform law as insurance brokers — and few have pushed back against the law as speedily. Brokers’ battle to change medical-loss ratio rules is a microcosm of the broader fight to shape the overhaul’s implementation.

Taking Stock of Three Major Health Reform Laws on Their Birthdays

Last year’s federal health overhaul, the Massachusetts health reform law and the groundbreaking EMTALA all marked significant anniversaries in recent weeks. “Road to Reform” looks back on how the laws affected the nation’s health policy — and each other.

Paul Ryan’s Radical Plan To Reform Medicare not so Radical

While Republicans’ plan to transform Medicare into a voucher program is being hailed as groundbreaking, the model has been floated for decades. Here’s a look back at the history of Medicare vouchers — and what makes Ryan’s plan different.