Road to Reform

Latest California Healthline Stories

Reform Rollout May Waver if More Seek Exemptions

HHS’ recent decision to grant waivers for health plans that would not meet a key provision of health reform exposes how stakeholders can weaken implementation by simply resisting its measures.

Has Reform Improved Health Care Yet?

The bulk of the federal health reform law’s provisions are slated to launch in 2014, but several incremental changes have already taken effect. An early look at those provisions shows mixed results for insurance access, services utilization and system improvements.

Does Medicaid Need a Checkup?

Since the start of the reform debate, questions have swirled about Medicaid’s role and sustainability. New reports raise further concerns about the program’s long-term prognosis.

Spotting a Unicorn: ACOs Inch Closer to Reality

More health care providers are entering into arrangements to create “accountable care organizations,” but these emerging alliances face legal questions because regulators have yet to define ACOs. Potential answers, and several milestones, lie ahead for the model.

A Tale of Two Campaigns: Repeal vs. Reinforce

Republican efforts to do away with health reform have coalesced around a strategy to defund the law. Meanwhile, Democrats will mount a spirited defense of the overhaul timed to its six-month anniversary and the rollout of new provisions.

Exchanging Challenges in Health Plan Marketplace

While California is poised to emerge as a health reform leader with a new health insurance exchange, the state — like many — still faces numerous challenges over the exchange’s operation.

Employer System a Shaky Base for Health Reform

The health care overhaul built on the nation’s unique employer-based health insurance system, instead of revamping the model. However, a number of recent shocks to the system are creating new challenges for consumers and raising concerns ahead of coverage expansions in 2014.

Politics of Economy May Affect Health Care Policy

Financial concerns from Sacramento to Washington, D.C., are overshadowing the health reform overhaul and could shape implementation efforts moving forward.

Some Fear IPAB Will Be Error of Commission

Proponents of the Independent Payment Advisory Board — which is slated to launch in 2014 — hail IPAB as a transformative effort to ensure needed cost controls, but critics warn that the board will weaken Medicare and harm patient care. Both sides note that IPAB may undergo a makeover before its ultimate debut.

Will ACOs Be A-OK? Model Stirs Hopes, Questions

Accountable care organizations, or ACOs, are the most-discussed acronym-cum-health care payment model since HMOs. As providers across the nation rush to adopt the concept, is California poised to be a leader?