Road to Reform

Latest California Healthline Stories

Why Are Not-for-Profit Providers Lining Up To Be Taxed?

California hospitals are among providers in many states voluntarily asking for new fees or assessments, regardless of the national reform debate’s outcome. The fees are being used to draw down additional federal funding for Medicaid.

‘Elephant in the Room’ Could Be Providers’ Market Power

Health insurers have emerged as a convenient target during the health care reform debate, but some researchers are shining a spotlight on health care providers’ role in driving up health care costs.

Reform Opponents Continue Mobilization in States

As President Obama and Democratic congressional leaders push ahead on health care reform legislation, state lawmakers are considering proposals aimed at letting states opt out of some elements of the proposed bills.

National Reform Plans Don’t Call for Employer Mandate

Gov. Schwarzenegger’s 2007 health care overhaul plan would have required employers to share the cost of expanding health insurance coverage, and the Healthy San Francisco program requires firms to share the cost of ensuring workers’ access to health care services.  Democratic congressional leaders and President Obama are proposing other approaches.

Medicaid Expansion a Minefield in Push for Health Care Reform

Proposals that would have opened up Medicaid to millions more Americans set off a fierce battle as states worried about additional costs down the road.  Gov. Schwarzenegger was one of the loudest critics of the proposals, perhaps not surprisingly given California’s $20 billion budget deficit.

Anthem Blue Cross of California Rate Hikes Spark Outcry

President Obama and other proponents of the Democratic plans for health care reform are pointing to planned rate hikes for Anthem Blue Cross of California’s individual policies as a case in point for overhauling the health care system.  Will provisions on medical-loss ratios and rate-increase reviews move forward?

Obama Leaves Door Open to Strategy on Health Reform

President Obama’s State of the Union address made clear that he will not back down on health reform and that he expects lawmakers to follow suit. What isn’t as clear is what path lawmakers will take to move forward.

Shift in Medicare Pay Policies Could Hit Safety Net Facilities

Researchers are raising concerns that efforts to cut Medicare reimbursement rates for preventable hospital readmissions could underscore disparities between facilities that cater to vulnerable populations and hospitals with patient bases that are higher up on the economic ladder.

Reform Debate Drives Question of Minimum Benefits

Cost has played a central role in the debate over health care reform, but much less has been made of fundamental questions over what level of benefits should be available. Is it better to provide a more generous benefits package, even if it means more people will be left without coverage?

Negotiators Prepare To Determine Details of Individual Mandate

Democratic leaders in the Senate and House included provisions in their health care reform bills that would require most Americans to buy coverage, an idea that Gov. Schwarzenegger had endorsed in his own health care overhaul plan.  Will he stump for the individual mandate in a national plan?