The Health Law

Latest California Healthline Stories

Can the GOP Still Stop Obamacare? Let’s Count the Ways

The Affordable Care Act has survived, but will it thrive? Republicans can still play a role in working to derail the law’s provisions and implementation, although their interest in doing so appears to be dwindling.

Budget, Special Session, Exchange Votes on Tap

November and December are supposed to be off-time for California lawmakers, but not this year.

This week, the Legislative Analyst’s Office is expected to release its budget forecast. Also this week, the Health Benefit Exchange board will vote on submission of its federal establishment grant. A number of health reform guidelines are expected to be released soon by federal health officials who are also dealing with a deadline this week for states to declare whether or not they will form their own exchanges.

California’s exchange board will meet Wednesday to vote on submission of its establishment grant. That will effectively lay out the exchange’s marketing, outreach and IT plans for its health insurance offerings,  now know as covered California. The exchange board also will take action on regulations for qualified health plans.

Diana Dooley on 2 Years of Budget Cuts, Controversy and Reform

Diana Dooley reflects on her first two years as California’s Health and Human Services secretary — a tumultuous period of deep budget cuts, county and state realignment, and the beginning of historic reforms.

Prop. 30 Could Stem Health Care Cuts

Lawmakers and health care experts around the state may not know what to make of it if this turns out to be the first January in a long time without significant new cuts to health care services and programs in California.

Although revenues from Prop. 30 will help fund education, if it hadn’t passed on Tuesday, the Legislature would be facing yet another massive budget shortfall and lawmakers would need to look at cutting many more millions of dollars. Health care programs and services would’ve been on the chopping block once again, according to Steve Green, president of the California Academy of Family Physicians.

“People didn’t want to think about all of the slashing and burning that would take place if Prop. 30 didn’t pass,” Green said. “It’s a tremendous relief, knowing that millions of dollars aren’t going to be cut out for the poor again. So not having to cut so much, that will help us focus more on the things that need to happen. When you’re in a crisis mode all the time, that makes it much harder to plan for the future.”

Will Prop. 30 Move Government Away From ‘Fee-for-Service’?

California Health and Human Services Secretary Diana Dooley said voters’ approval of Proposition 30 is good news for the state’s health care system and may signal a move away from “fee-for-service government.”

December Special Session Now ‘Full Steam Ahead’

The nation’s re-election of Barack Obama means California lawmakers will have a much busier and more productive special legislative session in December, according to state lawmakers.

Gov. Jerry Brown (D) called for the December special session as a way to make sure California is fully on board with implementation of the Affordable Care Act. The governor vetoed several bills and policies because of uncertainty about who would be in the White House next year, according to Assembly member Bill Monning (D-Carmel), last session’s chair of the Assembly Committee on Health.

“This [re-election of Obama] helps define a much more positive scenario for special session,” Monning said. “The governor was appropriately cautious, not wanting to sign onto some bills and not being able to forecast the outcome of this election. Now the special session will take a very positive tone.”

Move Toward Openness in Health Care Pricing, Performance

We asked stakeholders and experts if California should be actively pursuing changes to let consumers and purchasers get a clearer picture of pricing and performance in the state’s health care system.

New Name, New Website for Exchange

California consumers will be able to get a strong picture of Covered California, the newly named package of health insurance offerings from the Health Benefit Exchange when the state launches a new website next month, according to exchange officials.

“We’ve been targeting the new website by the end of this year, but I’m optimistic we’re looking at Dec. 1 for the launch of that,” said Oscar Hidalgo, director of communication and public affairs at the exchange. “We might take a pause for stakeholder input, because we always like to run things by stakeholders before going public, but we’re hopeful it will be online at the start of December.”

The Covered California brand name and logo, chosen at Tuesday’s exchange board meeting, will be highlighted in the new site.