The Health Law

Latest California Healthline Stories

Getting Business Involved in Health Discussion

Big decisions are being made in health care, many of them affecting California businesses, but the business community won’t have much say in those decisions if leaders don’t step up and participate in defining the future of the health care landscape.

That’s one of the points in a report due out today from the Bay Area Council. The report, “Road Map to a High Value Health System,” analyzes the sources of rising health care costs in California and outlines choices to lower those costs.

“The broader business community and organizations representing the business community have run the gamut from hostile to disengaged,” according to report author Micah Weinberg. “Our message is, if we don’t participate in this process, we’re going to get something we don’t like. So we wanted to make sure businesses get involved.”

Health Care Reform for Small Businesses

The number one key to success for small businesses in the state’s Health Benefit Exchange is choice, according to several presenters at a panel discussion last week in Sacramento.

“You have to have choice, that’s the big thing,” Bill Wehrle of Kaiser Permanente said. “If you don’t have choice, people won’t sign up.”

Wehrle was part of a forum addressing the needs of small businesses in California, and what the state’s exchange needs to do to woo both small-business owners and their employees.

What Can California Learn From Healthy San Francisco?

San Francisco’s previously uninsured residents seem to be getting healthier, and health care providers generally are satisfied with the country’s first effort to provide government-sponsored health care access to all residents, according to a new report. We asked policymakers and experts what the rest of the state might glean from Healthy San Francisco.

Why the ‘Moneyball’ Approach Isn’t a Home Run for Health Care

Billy Beane’s data-driven strategies made him the talk of baseball, the king of the current box office and a highly visible advocate for evidence-based medicine. But Beane’s teams have faded since their “Moneyball” heyday — and evidence-based medicine might not be the home run that some reformers hope it will be.

Country Getting Healthier, Policy Experts Told

Despite obstacles and opposition to health care reform, the country is getting healthier, according to HHS Assistant Secretary for Health Howard Koh. Speaking to state health policy experts in Kansas City this week, Koh said HHS will release statistics showing that individuals and communities are making progress toward a number of health goals.

The Benefits of Changing Medicare’s Drug Benefit

Medicare Part D is Exhibit A in how a health reform can evolve from partisan legislation to beloved protection. Aware of the drug benefit’s popularity, but facing real fiscal concerns, lawmakers are broaching delicate changes to the program.

Our Sidneys: The Six Key Studies That Shook Up the Summer

With a nod to David Brooks’ annual awards in the New York Times, “Road to Reform” highlights our own Sidney Awards, named for Kaiser Permanente’s co-founder. Here are six major health policy studies that changed the course of conversation this summer.