The Health Law

Latest California Healthline Stories

Alternative Providers Could Help Bridge Gap in Primary Care

Physician assistants and nurse practitioners could help California deal with the dramatic rise in primary care patients expected when federal health care reform kicks in. A new bill in the state Senate outlines greater PA responsibilities and reflects increasing reliance on “alternative” providers.

Health Care Reform Could Be Taxing for Hospitals

Health reform doesn’t formally alter the tax code for health care providers, but the law could have an effect on tax exemption for not-for-profit hospitals as more people gain insurance coverage and hospitals’ charity care spending decreases.

Seeking Answers on Medicaid Expansion

The success of the health reform implementation hinges on a broad Medicaid expansion, but state officials have significant questions as they grapple with new requirements. Meanwhile, the reform law likely prevents the governor’s proposed budget cuts to state health insurance programs.

Fight Over Premium Hikes Just Beginning

Outrage over Anthem’s proposed double-digit premium hikes played a crucial role in the health reform debate, but states’ own efforts to curb premiums are sparking stand-offs across the nation. Critics say the showdowns foreshadow greater disputes over reform’s implementation.