The Health Law

Latest California Healthline Stories

Fight Over Premium Hikes Just Beginning

Outrage over Anthem’s proposed double-digit premium hikes played a crucial role in the health reform debate, but states’ own efforts to curb premiums are sparking stand-offs across the nation. Critics say the showdowns foreshadow greater disputes over reform’s implementation.

Key Questions Remain for Reform Bill’s Rollout

While Democrats are celebrating their passage of historic health reform legislation, there are significant questions about how certain provisions will affect states like California. Plans for new high-risk pools and payment reductions for Medicare Advantage could present challenges for the state.

National Reform Plans Don’t Call for Employer Mandate

Gov. Schwarzenegger’s 2007 health care overhaul plan would have required employers to share the cost of expanding health insurance coverage, and the Healthy San Francisco program requires firms to share the cost of ensuring workers’ access to health care services.  Democratic congressional leaders and President Obama are proposing other approaches.

Medicaid Expansion a Minefield in Push for Health Care Reform

Proposals that would have opened up Medicaid to millions more Americans set off a fierce battle as states worried about additional costs down the road.  Gov. Schwarzenegger was one of the loudest critics of the proposals, perhaps not surprisingly given California’s $20 billion budget deficit.