The Health Law

Latest California Healthline Stories

White House Talks Up Cost-Savings Plans To Bolster Reform

Officials in the Obama administration are firing back against questions that Democratic health care reform proposals do not adequately address rising health care costs.  For instance, Anthem Blue Cross of California’s parent company put out a study this month projecting that the plans would result in higher premiums.

House Panel, HHS Look at Health Reform and Small Businesses

A House Energy and Commerce Committee hearing looked at the hurdles small businesses encounter offering health insurance benefits to workers, and HHS Secretary Kathleen Sebelius released a report explaining what the administration expects health care reform proposals to do for small firms.

California’s Senators Face Tough Calls as Health Reform Bill Advances

In recent days, Sens. Barbara Boxer and Dianne Feinstein have thrown their support behind a public option and raised questions about a proposed tax on medical device makers.  Now that a health care reform bill has cleared the Senate Finance Committee, Boxer and Feinstein will be pressed to state their positions on other elements of reform legislation.

Studies on Health Care Spending Fuel Reform Debate

The Obama administration is touting data from an IOM report that the U.S. health care system is riddled with more than $800 billion in excess costs each year, but Sen. Dianne Feinstein and other senators are questioning whether current proposals are really going to deliver the reforms that are needed.

Provision Won’t Give California Extra Help on Medicaid Expansion

California is not one of the four states that meet criteria in the Senate Finance Committee’s health care overhaul proposal to have the federal government bear the entire cost of expanding the states’ Medicaid programs for five years.  The information comes as new data show poverty is on the rise in California.

New Data Underscore Impact of Health Care Reform for California

A White House report that came out in recent days highlights what California can expect to get — and pay — under Democratic health care reform proposals, while new Census Bureau data provide a more detailed look at what parts of California are plagued with high rates of uninsured residents.

Industry Steps Up Opposition to Health Reform Proposals

Health care industry groups are taking issue with specific elements of health care reform proposals backed by President Obama and congressional Democrats.  AHIP is challenging plans to cut Medicare Advantage payments, and medical device makers are criticizing proposals for a new tax on devices and diagnostic tools.

Sen. Feinstein Spells Out Concerns on Health Care Reform

In a position paper, California’s senior senator said she would not support health care overhaul legislation that passes the costs of a Medicaid expansion onto states and counties. Meanwhile, a new survey reported that many California small businesses find health care benefits unaffordable.