Latest California Healthline Stories
Deficit Data Refocus Attention on Costs of Health Care, Reform
White House Office of Management and Budget Director Peter Orszag said new projections about the federal budget deficit accentuate the need for health care reform this year. The data also heighten pressure for legislation to be deficit neutral.
Policymakers Look to Salary-Based Physician-Payment Models To Lower Health Care Costs
Jack Chou of the California Academy of Family Physicians, Mark Hall of Wake Forest University, Robert Pearl of Kaiser Permanente and AMA President James Rohack discussed physician compensation with California Healthline.
Financing, Role of Preventive Care in Reform Still Unresolved
A new paper raises questions about Americans’ willingness to accept income tax hikes to fund expanded health insurance coverage. The research will increase pressure on lawmakers, who also are being hit with increased pressure to elevate the role of preventive care in reform legislation.
Health Reform Debate Heats Up During August Recess
As protesters continue to advocate against Democrats’ health reform proposals at town-hall meetings nationwide, lawmakers are using the August recess to dispel misinformation circulating about their health reform plans and introduce reform-related legislation.
Key Players Push for More Information, Tout Agendas in Reform Debate
Congress is winding down official action on health care reform for the summer. Sen. Jay Rockefeller is continuing to ask questions about health care cooperatives, while White House budget chief Peter Orszag is touting health economists’ endorsement of a plan for a new Medicare rate-setting commission.
State Budget Challenges Loom Over Proposals To Expand CHIP, Medicaid
Members of Congress are debating proposals to expand eligibility for Medicaid and the Children’s Health Insurance Program, but governors are harboring concerns about how much the expansions would cost states. Meanwhile, a House panel held a hearing on rescissions, an issue that isn’t foreign to veteran observers of California health care policymaking.
What Could National Health Care Reform Mean for California?
Mitchell Katz of the San Francisco Department of Public Health and Erica Murray of the California Association of Public Hospitals and Health Systems weigh in on the implications of health care reform efforts in Washington, D.C.
States Keep Close Eye on Medicaid Expansion in Reform Debate
This week, legislative leaders in California signed on to a budget agreement that would cut state spending on Medicaid by $1.3 billion just as members of the House are debating a plan to expand eligibility for the program. The bill calls for the federal government to cover the cost of the expansion.
Obama, Democratic Leaders Push for Swift Action on Reform
President Obama has called for both houses of Congress to pass health care reform legislation before lawmakers adjourn for the August recess. House Democrats stepped up to the plate and unveiled their proposal yesterday, and the Senate HELP Committees approved its bill this morning.
Oral Health Advocates Call for More Emphasis on Dental Coverage in Health Care Reform
The California Dental Association’s Dean Chalios, Paul Glassman of the University of the Pacific and Daphne Von Essen of the California Dental Hygienists’ Association discussed oral health care with California Healthline.