Latest California Healthline Stories
Kuehl Hands Off California’s Single-Payer Torch to Leno
The legislative campaign for a single-payer health care system is moving into its second decade in California with newly elected state Sen. Mark Leno ready to deal with same governor who opposes the plan and a weakening economy.
Critics Argue for Overhaul, Expansion of California High-Risk Health Insurance Program
Elizabeth Landsberg of the Western Center on Law and Poverty, Anthony Wright of Health Access and Robert Zirkelbach of America’s Health Insurance Plans spoke to California Healthline about the state’s high-risk insurance program.
Health Care Advocates Warn of ‘Dark Times’ for Latinos
Economic woes in California and across the nation make for a dim outlook for health care efforts for at least the next year, according to health care advocates in California. Recent research indicates that Latinos are at heightened risk of diabetes and face obstacles to care.
Ballot Initiative Filed To Expand Kids’ Coverage
Only weeks after a health care reform plan backed by Gov. Schwarzenegger and Assembly Speaker Fabian Núñez was rejected, children’s health care advocates have resurrected an effort to increase the state tobacco tax to help pay for children’s health coverage.
Budget Cuts Could Further Limit Provider Pool for Denti-Cal Enrollees, Groups Say
Liz Snow of the California Dental Association and Carmela Castellano-Garcia of the California Primary Care Association discussed the governor’s proposed changes in the dental program for low-income Californians.
Outlook for Children’s Health Coverage Mixed in California
Children’s advocates are cautiously optimistic about the prospects for compromise health care reform legislation to expand coverage to all California kids, especially after federal funding came through for Healthy Families. But Gov. Schwarzenegger’s proposed budget cuts remain a concern.
Will Health Care Reform Come Down to Dueling Ballot Measures?
Recent history suggests that Californians might be faced with competing ballot initiatives aimed at reworking California’s health care system in November 2008, and a key backer of a single-payer health care system isn’t ruling out the possibility of seeking voter approval for such a system.
Proposed Changes in Medicaid Rules Could Cost California Millions in Federal Funding
Officials from CMS, Medi-Cal, the hospital industry and patient advocacy groups spoke with California Healthline about how proposed changes to federal Medicaid rules could affect hospitals, patients and the state budget.
Health Coverage Expansions Take Aim at Young Adults
Insurers and policymakers are pondering the best strategy for reaching young adults, a population that has a greater percentage of uninsured residents than other age groups in California. State lawmakers and WellPoint, a major insurer, disagree on the solution.
Questions on Medi-Cal Funding Remain After Budget Deal
More than $1 billion in payments to health care providers were delayed after the Medi-Cal emergency fund was exhausted after only one month during the budget stalemate. In response, at least two lawmakers plan legislation for next year to increase the Medi-Cal emergency fund.