Think Tank

Latest California Healthline Stories

How Can California Exchange Minimize ‘Churning’?

We asked experts and stakeholders to suggest strategies in the building and operation of California’s new health insurance exchange that would minimize beneficiaries’ moving in and out of coverage — known as “churning.”

What Would ACA Repeal Mean for California?

If efforts to repeal the Affordable Care Act are successful — either in Congress or the Supreme Court — what happens next in California? We asked stakeholders and policymakers what direction health care reform might take if the current path is blocked.

How Might Physician Comparisons Change Landscape?

Health care consumers have a new tool launched in January by the federal government — a website allowing head-to-head comparisons of physicians. We asked experts how comparison tools like this might change the way health care is delivered.

Is California Ready for Health Care Profit Sharing?

If value-based purchasing of health care spreads as many predict it will, would a logical next step be to reward consumers for choosing a low-priced alternative by sharing some of the profit? We asked insurers, consumer advocates, employers and employer groups to weigh in.

Payment Plan for Nursing Homes Raises Concerns

California plans to link $40 million in Medi-Cal rate increases to a new pay-for-performance system in nursing homes, and the governor recently signed into law a reauthorization of minimum staffing levels. We invited stakeholders to share opinions on how those changes might affect care quality.

Should Hospital Charges Be More Transparent?

A couple of recent efforts to increase pricing transparency in California hospitals have stalled. We asked stakeholders whether the public should have more access to hospital prices.

Improving California’s Approach to Chronic Conditions

The arrival of national health reform offers opportunities to improve the way California’s health care system deals with chronic conditions. We asked stakeholders how policymakers, legislators, health care providers and insurers could best take advantage of these opportunities.

Fat Californians Putting Strain on Health Economy

More California adults are obese or overweight than those who aren’t and almost 40% of children in public schools in California are overweight or obese, according to recent research. We asked stakeholders how policymakers and insurers should combat obesity in California.

Doc Shortage Made Worse by Low Participation in Medi-Cal

California faces two related problems about to get worse: not enough family practice physicians and not enough physicians treating Medi-Cal patients. We asked stakeholders how California should deal with these two shortages.