Think Tank

Latest California Healthline Stories

How To Design, Deliver New, Improved Medi-Cal

Health care reform offers an opportunity for California to redefine — perhaps reinvent — Medi-Cal with a goal of establishing a new “culture of coverage” in the state. We asked experts how the state should go about it.

Promises, Challenges of Health Reform in California

Because many provisions of the new national law will be carried out differently in different states, stakeholders and policy makers in each state will play a key part in how the law is put into action. We asked stakeholders to assess the promise and challenge of health care reform in California.

Assessing Health Care Impacts of Reforms for Immigrants

Health policy experts, immigrants and immigrant rights organizations are assessing the health care impacts for immigrants in one sweeping reform already signed into law and the potential impacts of another one on the horizon — immigration reform.

How Will Reform Affect County Programs for the Indigent?

We asked experts to predict how national reform might affect California’s struggling county-run programs providing medical care for indigent adults. The state has several options over the next three-and-a-half years before expanded Medi-Cal arrives.

Is California Ripe for Global Payment, ACOs?

Reworking the health care payment system has been a key aspect of health care reform proposals in Congress. A major Massachusetts insurer has pushed ahead and adopted a global payment system, raising questions about whether California is ready to make a similar move toward global payments and accountable care organizations.

Lessons Learned From California’s H1N1 Experience

Mark Horton, head of the California Public Health Department, and Vanessa Cordova of the Alameda County Public Health Department share their thoughts on the state’s efforts to address H1N1 flu.

Reviews Mixed for New Law on Nursing Home Ratings

Beginning in 2011, California nursing homes that participate in Medicare or Medicaid will be required to post their ratings from CMS’ five-star system.  Supporters of the law say it will help consumers make health care decisions, but nursing home operators say CMS’ system is inaccurate.