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Ghosts, Ghouls, and Ghastly Drug Prices in Winning Halloween Haikus

Ghosts, Ghouls, and Ghastly Drug Prices in Winning Halloween Haikus

If you dare, feast your eyes on this year’s winners of KFF Health News’ sixth annual Halloween Haiku contest. We received more than four dozen spooky submissions but only a few bubbled to the top of the cauldron. Here’s the winner and the top runners-up, illustrated by Oona Zenda. The judges’ favorites were inspired by blood shortages, high health care costs, and the eye-gouging price of prescription drugs. Keep an eye on KFF Health News’ social media accounts (X; Instagram; and Facebook) for more of our favorites. Enjoy!

1st Place

A black and white cartoon of a witch donating blood. The person taking her blood is Dr. Dracula. Above them is a banner that says: "Dr. Dracula's Blood Drive." Haiku text at the bottom of the image reads: "Vampires don’t scare me. Empty blood shelves, now that’s fear. Roll up, save a life. –Crystal Decker"
(Illustration: Oona Zenda/KFF Health News; Haiku: Crystal Decker)

Vampires don’t scare me. 

Empty blood shelves, now that’s fear. 

Roll up, save a life.

— Crystal Decker 

2nd Place

A black and white cartoon of a scary medical bill frightening a ghoul and a ghost. Below the image, haiku text reads: "What spooks me the most Is not a ghoul or a ghost But steep health care bills. –Sasha Zitter"
(Illustration: Oona Zenda/KFF Health News; Haiku: Sasha Zitter)

What spooks me the most 

Is not a ghoul or a ghost 

But steep health care bills.

Sasha Zitter

3rd Place

A black and white cartoon of a business man, with a name tag that says, "PBM," showing a $1,000 price sheet for a prescription drug. The PBM man scares a thief carrying eyeballs. The haiku text reads: "No, not eye-gouging. My costume is scarier: Pharma price-gouging. –Siri Palreddy"
(Illustration: Oona Zenda/KFF Health News; Haiku: Siri Palreddy)

No, not eye-gouging. 

My costume is scarier: 

Pharma price-gouging.

— Siri Palreddy

While Halloween may be coming to an end, KFF Health News reporting continues year-round. Send us your haikus at any time for possible inclusion in our Morning Briefing:

2023 Halloween Haiku Contest Winners

A black and white cartoon ink drawing shows two young children standing in an abandoned school nurse's office. One child is dressed up as a witch. She is sick and coughing. The other girl is dressed up as her cat, and holds onto her friend with concerned expression. They face an empty chair. A ghost nurse floats behind it, unable to help them. Below the drawing, a haiku reads: "Costumed coughs in school! / Kids seek care but find instead / A ghostly nurse chair."
(Illustration: Oona Zenda/KFF Health News; Haiku: Madeline Steward)
A black and white cartoon ink drawing shows visitors on a tour bus pointing and screaming at a hospital building that has come to life. It has money signs for eyes and is holding medical bills. Below the drawing, a haiku reads: "Other countries ask: / Medical debt, what is that? / Hospitals say, "Boo!""
(Illustration: Oona Zenda/KFF Health News; Haiku: Tom Cook)
A black and white cartoon ink drawing shows a person that has fallen into a 'bobbing-for-apples' trough gasping for air. In the water, they are surrounded by apples and medical bills. Below the drawing, a haiku reads: "Bobbing for apples. / Drowning in medical debt. Either way, get wet."
(Illustration: Oona Zenda/KFF Health News; Haiku: Brynne McBride)

2022 Halloween Haiku Contest Winners

A black and white cartoon drawing of a witch lying on her back looking at her phone with a frightened expression. A black cat stands on her stomach and paws at the window, where viruses and bacteria are floating menacingly outside. At the bottom of the drawing, a haiku reads: "Covid, Ebola, / Monkeypox, seasonal flu – / Who needs Halloween?"
(Illustration: Oona Zenda/KFF Health News; Haiku: Paul Hughes-Cromwick)
A black and white cartoon ink drawing shows two skeletons in a mirrored position looking at each other. One is a real skeleton while the other is a human in a costume. They are thinking. A spider holding a face mask is hanging between them. Below the drawing, a haiku reads: "Ghastly, grotesque, sick! / You mask up to trick-or-treat, / But not for covid?"
(Illustration: Oona Zenda/KFF Health News; Haiku: Micki Jackson)
A black and white cartoon drawing shoes a headless horseman holding surprise medical bills while yelling, "surpriiiiiise!" Below him, a haiku reads: "Surprise billing curbs, / Like the famed headless horseman, / Remain incomplete."
(Illustration: Oona Zenda/KFF Health News; Haiku: Michael L. Millenson)