At L.A. Clinic, Free Showers Can Get Homeless People In To See A Doctor
The showers at Saban Community Clinic can be a gateway to other services, including health care, insurance sign-ups and housing referrals.
Health Care Looms Large In Race For California’s Top Cop
Attorney General Xavier Becerra, who has made a name for himself opposing Trump administration policies on health care and other matters, is running against opponents who say they wouldn’t make such resistance their primary focus.
California Hospitals Urge Moms To Favor Breast Milk Over Formula
Exclusively breastfeeding babies for at least six months is widely viewed as a significant health benefit. White moms are more likely to do so than blacks, Asians or Latinas.
L.A. County Unlawfully Terminated Thousands Of Medi-Cal Recipients, Court Rules
A judge orders the county to fix problem that harmed low-income seniors and people with disabilities, including those with serious health conditions.
Use Of Psychiatric Drugs Soars In California Jails
A combination of factors has led to an “astronomical” increase in mentally ill inmates, followed by increased efforts to identify those who need prescriptions. Some say the meds are underprescribed; others, that they are given inappropriately, without the benefit of comprehensive treatment.
Voces oficiales aseguran que esta supervisión deficiente hizo que el número de incidentes que podrían causar lesiones graves o la muerte haya aumentado significativamente en los últimos años.
Inadequate Oversight Allows Poor Care At California Nursing Homes To Go Unchecked, State Audit Finds
The scathing report cites a significant increase in cases of poor care — especially ones with the potential to cause serious injuries or death. A state lawmaker called the findings “very, very disturbing.”
“Un acertijo persistente”: californianos adoptan Medicaid, pero… ¿cupones de alimentos? No tanto.
Millones de californianos que podrían participar de este programa, no lo hacen. Expertos explican las posibles razones y qué se está haciendo para que más familias obtengan este beneficio.
‘A Persistent Puzzle’: Californians Embrace Medicaid — But Food Stamps? Not So Much.
The Golden State ranks near the bottom in its enrollment of eligible people in the food assistance program known as SNAP. Now state officials want to tap its robust Medicaid rolls to boost SNAP signups.
Más mujeres que hombres sufren ahora una “aterradora” enfermedad pulmonar
La enfermedad pulmonar obstructiva crónica (EPOC) está afectando a millones de mujeres que comenzaron a fumar en los años 60 y 70, casi como una forma de rebelión.